The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

-awsaagcai THE SUN. ARBLTe TT 1 oO.OOO forsabe by f' UJ5 You are hereby notified that a meeting of the -lWvv for sale Dy 8l Kowb'a wnarf. Association wi'l be held oa THIS (Tuesday JiVh- ,1 tnT-. NINO, at the University Building, Lexirgton street. boxes prime Mild CHKK tor sue for be election of officers, to serve lor the enBUirg by ADOLPHUS C.

SCH fct tlx month. jtIO 2t 70 Kwiy wnayi. 1 a New Ushs if Soap Stone Baltitnore Manufae-turs. Time w-i when nearly all the various nice and new contrivances for domestic and mechanical use had first to be introduced into thia section of country from the North and East; but the ingenuity of our people appears now to be turning the tide the other way. The Boston Post has an extended notice of several articles of soap stone manufacture, which have been much admired in that city, the production of the "Maryland ap Stone Company," whose su- perior quarry is at Marietteville, 20 miles from Bui- timore, on the line of the railroad.

The ma ufac- i a rn I BLAKE'S PATENT -FiA PROOF PAINT Ohio. This singular and valuable substance is soldi fine powder, then mixed with linsfed oil to the a M.sis-tencyof thick paint, and applied with a brush and af er an exposure of a few months to theatmosi i lere, beccmes a perfect slate or coat of i nail, protec ing whatever is covered witfl it from the action of theioeather and from The color has heretofore been black, consequer. 'tlv vised generally on roofs, but 1 now have a beauti ful choci the fashionable color of ti cay I "or the sides of our dwellings, and there is nothirg qu tl to it for that purpose, as it rms a perfect Btone coa t-ing over the bricks, through which not a particle moisturecan pass. The Examining Committee of the Fair of the A-' merican institute, reported last fall thut thia was an article superior to anything that bad been presented 888wilipr and fire nmof eoverine. and awarded me a medal, aud tne State Fair at Buffalo, a diploma.

The AgeEt8of the different Fire Insurance Compa- in Akron, Otiio, (where the paint is best known, have" published that they will insure buildings, covered wan sh'" raiut, at a low er rate than those covered with un or inc, as they consider it a better fire- Pr'I'he artie'e kcot constantly on hand and for sale by the Packa e3 st rur Warehouses, No. 32 and 34, South Charles rrfeet; also wiil be sold at Paint Stores generally. BAKER BRO. jio-2aw4wi3wfiw MO Steamer MARY LAND will rii continue ner r.ripa iora few days, to har a er piacta in her, and to bere coppered. WhJn completed, Qa notice will be given.

LEMUEL fi. 10-21. jCt Oil SAN FRANCISCO, CAL1 FiOlA TO SAIL POSITIVELY ON THE iJH SjsmoF JULY. Th" fine coppered and eoppvT fastened barque MARTIN W. BRETT, Whitman, master, will s'iil as above, having a portion of her freight and r-dSfengers engag d.

This vessel off-rs a very oetirahle opporturity for passengerB, as her cabi' for ladi-s and gentlemen are separate, and both are furnished entirely with state rooms, nd each state room is completely furnished with beds, beddinc, wanhstands, the vessel being designed to run es a regular Packet between San Pnincisco and Panama. -The owners go out in her with their fami les ard servants. 1 here will be a Stewardess on board. Packet la Will furnished to the passengers, and a Library of miscellaneous works for their use. A plu will go in the vessel.

No steerage passengers will be tnken. For freight or passage apply to V. II. EN KS. No.

8 Bowiy 's Wharf. The barque wLl touch at Rio de Janeiro and Valparaiso. STEAMER CAMBRIDGE, Capt. Ja. Tilshman.

IVR ANNAPOLIS, WET RIVER. AN ASTON, CHSStTSRTOWH town r.Hd Corsica, and return same day. The CAMBRIDGE will leave Baltiun FR.TDA MORNING, at 7 o'eloeir En. snd return oil SATURDAY, leaving Eastovi at 7 for Baltimore. The abovs rots wiil te oet tha seRion.

Fraisht for Uis above plaees tisen at low ntm. HENRY TRAVERS, Aient jio 12tr Lirbt utreet wharf. fiN SiR- bLAL'i', a young, handsome BAY jjmy MARE trots and canters under the saddle, n( g0es niiely in harness. Stie may be seen at GEORGE SHIPLEY'S Stables. North street, on Tuesday ard Tnursday.

"NJcGKUe On SALE. A midriieagea omah, i-i an excellent cook, washer and ironer, in wnicn cspacity she has acted in one of the best country ho- tiHin IhlH ltstfl. Alan, a I I DCITCIW et term of ears very smart, and a firat rate t-oy in the uouse and with cr.iidren. iheae are honest, god iisposed people, sold without fault, and wiil be sold nt low prices to good owneis Apply at the Sun of- nee. Jl0-2tt HE ULD PK1ZK HOUSE OF COLVlA i i- VV.

CORNER BALTIMORE AND CALVERT STREETS. UNEQUALLED IN SELLING PRIZES. "The Managers' official drawings of this cay wi I show" that the first Capital Prize of Nos. 36 49 IS. in Patapsco Lottery, Class 76, was told at COLV1N CO'S on Saturday.

More of them more good Prizes in the evening Lottery of Sdlu'oav. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 31, Nos. 8 49 67, whole ticket, prize of sold, as also in a package ot quarter tickets two of ami one of 6300. PRIZES ALW AYS AT COLV1.N CO'S. LOTTERIES FOR THIS WEEK.

MONDAY, 8,000 Capital Prize, tickets S2 Do. 5 of 12,000 do do 48 TUESDAY.2 of 3,000 Capital Prize, tickets 61. Do. 824,000 do do 5. 5, i'0 Capital Prize, tickets Do.

5'3-PO0 do do Sl. THURSDAY, 3 913 Capital Prize, tickets Do. d' do 55. FB ID AY, Capitol Prize, tickets SS. t'o.

do do SATURDAY, 3,000 Capital Prize, tickets SI. Do. 44. do do 15. CS51 Orders per mail receive prompt attention please address COLVIN 9-tf Baltimore, Md.

THB PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be-X tween J. F. PETRO J. B. MAR YE, in the Green fprir.g Hydrops thic Institute, Baltimore county, ia dissolved fiom.this cate.

rtiiltinrrre. July 7.h. jy7-St PASlRir FL.O! R. bbis. Family 1- Pastry Flour, tf the celebrated "Beaumont brand.

Also 50 hdlf barrels, same biand, just received ai.d for sale by gelston y9 Corner Pratt and Commerce sts. AIMONDS, U) -bales Molier and Marseilles ALMONDS a boxes Shelled do. 100 bags WALNUTS and FILBERTS 25 boxes prime Mountain ORANGES 100 do LEMONS 60 bags PALM NUTS -50 do PECAN do. 200 do Sicily SUMAC. For sale by J.

CRosBY SON, 9-tf 58 South Charles fl Hhrfs. prime Porto Rico MOLASSES 4u bhds. Cuba and Sugar House do 30 bbls. New Orleans do in store and for sale by ABM. B.

PATTERSON jr4: 8 d'nmrcest. QTARCH, 500 boxes Colgate's, Massachusetts, and other t.rauds STARCH 300 do. new Eastern and Western CHEESE. For sale by FRANCIS H. JENKS, jy7 tit No.

8 Bowlj's wnarf. GUANO, GUANO, GUANO. Patagonia GUANO, ths Sophie's cargo, a superior article; so, Peruvian and African for sale quantities to suit purchasers, by J. J. F.


Superior Brown Sugars at 4, 5, 6i, anp Coffee 7, 8, 9 and 11; a splendid article of Imperial, G. P. and Y. H. Teas, at 50 our assortment of Green and Black Teas is large, and bargains may be expected together with a large and extensive assortment of Family Groceries, Hour, Bacon, Vc-, at the lowest prices.

JNO. H. T. JEROME, rnvO-m nrner Pnen atiiI mtm. 1'HE UNDEitSlGNFZD beg to announce tuat ttiey have been appointed by Messrs.

JAMES STEWART (if Pait ley, Agents for the sale of their celebrated SCOTCH WhlMiY. Orders, therefor are respectfully solicited without delay, to ensure an early Fall arrival. THOMPSON WOOD, je'i9-eol2t 21 South street. NOTICE. The e-Al LM AKIN BUM ESS.

conducted heretofore under the firm of LOA.NE DAVIS, atNo. 85SM1TH'S WHARF, Mr. J. Loane having withdrawn, will te carried on in ail its various branches by the undersigned, who solicits a shara. or public patronage, as he is determined to have hSs work done in the very best manner and on the most B.

A. DAVIS. 4'JSuUEHANNA F'aMILY ICE. The sunscn-J ber begs leave to inform the citizens of Baltimore that he has put up a larg quantity of the best un-tty of SUSQUEHANNA ICE, which he wiil furnish to families, confectioners, ateamDoats, Ac, at th loimest market pric. Orders left at the FRANKLIN HOUSE, corner of South and Pratt or at 2'nutt's Old Stand, Cathedral will receive prompt t.r.tirrr 1 fO ItRIIRilTP'P ICro W.

CL1FFE fc No. 2 SOUTH CALVERT offer for sale by thb cargo or less quantity: Anthracite and Cumberland COAL from the best mines at the lowest market price. Yards corner of GERMAN AND PACA STA, and foot of ALBEMARLE opposite Philaoel-phia Freight Depot. m2H-tf EAS, WINES AND GROCERIES, A'l THE i OLD CHEAP CORNER, Teas, of all kinds, from 50 cents to per Loaf, Crushed and Powdered SUGARS; Shoulders; Hams: Beef and Beef Tongues; Oilsof all kinds; Super, Extra and Family Flour by the barrel or retail, together with a general assortment of fresn FAMILY' of which is offered on the most pleasing terms, at the eheapcorner. H.W.DUNCAN, No.

240 Fayette corner of Pine, Good Kent borne fre rvf rharce. felS-ctf LXlWLFitl'S FATE-Vl I'LOtR, an invaluable I- invention, for making, in any climate, and in half an hour, without yeast, and wi.h the addition of cold waur only. Bread of the finest flavor, and most nutritious and wholesome character; also. Biscuits, and, with a saving of one-half eggs and butter, Confectionery of all kinds. For sale retail pnee Bume aa for ordinary flour by the patentee.

JOHN FOWLER, ,2 Eutaw Buildings, Baltimore. Families, Hotel Proprietors and Shippers may have their own flour prepared by sending it to the patentee. iv2-1vn. OOKlNG-GLASn DEPOT AND PiOTt RE i Kr a a FRAME MANUFACTORY. ATn.

ST. The subscriber wou most respectfully call the attention of his friendsand the nubile to his large and French and German LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, which he ffers very cheap for cash; or will FRAME to order at short notice. He alomanufacture8 Portrait and Picture FRAA1ES, of supeiior workmanship and style, not surpassed by any establishment in the Union, ifi lin Fi. S. FRYER.

NEW CARPETING AND ATTIN G. The subscriber has just received a large additional supply of beautiful Brussels and Imperial CARPETING; also, several newand choice patterns of Superfine and Ingrain FLOOR OIL CLOTHS an extensive variety oh hand, at all prices; CANTON MATTINGS, all widths, some of which is superior "sae t5cer CAMBRIDGE will leara BaJtiifwr imfaOMCAy MORMNS, 19th instant, 8t7o'cioci, for Chestertown and Corsica, and return came di'. The Steamer CAMBRIDGE wiil ieave Balamora on TUESDAY MORNING, 20th at 7 o'clock, for A nnapoiis. West River, Ca nbridge sRd Eajton, and rerurn on Wednesday, lea vane taston at 7 A. M.

The CAMBRIDGE will leave Baltimore EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. fZrrX.ll&Z. Custom-House an Appoinlmenlt. The following removals appointments were made by the Collector of the Port of Baltimore, yesterday morning: Win. Jordan, Captain of Night Inspectors, vice John J.

Luty, removed. Night Inspectors, or Watchmen James Westcoti, vice Edmund Oursler; Samuel W. Teal, vice Pot'k R. Fryer; Albert Seiemund, vice Simon Kemp; Wm. Peduzi, vice John Bishop; James Darl, vice John Wysham; Francis England, vice Jnincs C.

Murray; Thomas Spencer, vice Robert MeElvee; John Herring, vice Andrew Hurrigan; Arnold Tenetield, vice John C. Hennlck; James Cluutice, vice David McDonald. James Foob was also removed. Boatnw James Mathaney, vice Win. Brown.

In the Baltimore city Post-efliee, Walter H. Perdue and David Brown hav resigned their situations as clerks, and L. Francis Talbott and Ellas Brunner have been appointed to fill the vacancies Jntoltrable Nuisance. A correspondent complains of the conduct of a number of degraded blacks who reside in the rear of the east side of N. Exeter street, between Necessity r.lley and the bend, in an alley cominrnly called Louse alley.

A crowd of thene Areatures. rursineand swearing and otherwise shock ing the senses of the many respectable families the neighborhood, may always be seen on the premises A more disorderly set of persons are not to be found wi'hm the limns of the city. Dismissed. Police officer Greenberrv Vickers was ye sterday dismissed from office by his honor, Mayor Stansbury. It appears that he was arrested on Sa turday tne southern wa'ch district, cnargcu with inciting a riot iu a houae of ill-fame, assaulting King, and resisting watchman Brsshears in in the discharge of his duty, while attempting to arrest him.

He was taken before Justice released him upon security for his appearance before court. Another Defender Gone Mr. Sebastian Sultzcr, aged about 70 years, died yesterday morning, in this city. He was a native of Berlin, Prussia, but for the last fifty years a resident of this city, and a member of the Association of Defenders of Baltimore in 1S14, having faithfully served his country in those "days that tried men8 souls." Throwns Bncks. Src.

Officer Rav veeterday ar rested Tobias Johnson, colored, upon the charge of assaulting and beating Henry Brown and JMiza j. Sinners, and throwing a brick at a white man named Lookcrman. Justice Bordley committed him to jail in default of security for his appearance before court. Commuted for Trial. Wiasouria Johnson, who was arrestee! on Saturday upon the charge ol passing counterfeit money unon John Huzza, yesterday un derwent further examination before Justice Bordley, which resulted in his being fully committed to il lor trial.

Animal of Emigrants. The ship Georgia, Capt, Talbott, thirty- nine days from Liverpool to the Capes, arrived yesterday ar.d was detained at quarantine on account of six of the passengers suffering from the small Deix. She has on board 134 Dassenirers. On the voyage three children died of small pox. Charge of Jncendinrism.

Eliza Davidson, colored, was yesterday examined by Justice Pemugton, upon the charge of setting hre the residence ot Air a Fuller Crane, on West Lombard Btreet. The house was lired three times in three days. The examuia-tion resulted in the disjhurge ef the accused. Sent to Jail Henry Smith wos yesterday arreBted bv orheer Hand, unon the charge of lmnroner con duct in the street. Justice Hudson committed him to jnil in default of security to behave better.

ait' Steamboat Excursions. The steamboat Lancaster will leave Light and Pratt streets wharf this af ternoon at 2 o'clock, on an excursion to Hcuck's Pa- Volaudt's cotillon and military bands will be on board, and an Ethiopian concert is also promised. The steamer Co umbua will leave Light street wharf to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and stop at the County wharf going and returning, on an excur sion to Geor-ietownand Fredericktown, on the Sas-Bafrasriver. Thisexcursion is for the benefitafSt, Joseph's Church, and will be a most delightful affair. The Sharp-Shooters' military band is engaged.

The steamer Relief will leave Dugan's wharf to morrow morning at 8i o'clock, touching at Kerr's wharf, on an excursion to Rock Creek. This excursion is gotten by the Caulker's Union Beneficial Society, and the receipts are to be used in cresting a hall for the association. Thb Panorama of ihs Mississippi River and Valley will positively close after this week. It is a natural and life-like exhibition, and should be seei by every family in Baltimore. Here Alexander, ths Great Magician, re mains at Peale's Athenaeum, aad appears nightly in his enchanted Palace.

Sals of Property opposite the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot. VVe call attention tu tne sale ol Houses and Building Lots, on Lombard, Schroedcr and streets, by Cannon, Bennett this at past 4 o'clock, on tne premises. These Lots are immediately opposite the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and iney must become very valuable as the roud is extended Westward. Miller Co. Both at Home, and sold yesterday, the 9ih, the glorious ital Prize of $3 000, Nos.

24 23 31. Never was such beautiful luck. We sell the.ii tiiy, ar.d tac beauty cf it, casti an puzs at cieh'. See the Manager's oiticial announcement of Miller Oo's fcplendil luck. To-diy another Small Fry 2 Capitals, chancea 25 cents, packages oniy $3 90, and Mii'er ic Co.

Kr a handsome prize, at the corner cf Baiumm-and St. Paul sts. LIST OF APPLICANTS For the benef.t of the Insolvent Laws, for th list week. ireo.v, faro wh, carpeuteri" ijirson snop pr J. Mc'iiw, board 'g h.

k'pr D.F. Kimmel, whitesmith s. Krager, brick layer Henry lirnwn, michiitist Wm. C. Ring, clerk Tnos.

Sprigg, merchant Hy. Mesese, 'Andrew Oaley, trader Zclier. bnck m'kf J. G. Fndcnck.

laborer Jno. Wiiggard, iab'r, c'tj Win. II. Nes, seaman Cari Adelman, cooper 'John ifids. manner "Joliu Grim, labjrer "Michael Shae, brewer Geo.

A. Price, co. tailor J.reiidleton, co. w. w'r.

"For debts less than Appearance days 6th August and 6th October. BANGS OF THBKMOMETBR YESTERDAY, rr'Mnf If. it 7-- 9 If tto ft-l MARRIED. On the 8th instant, by i.aun, Minister of the Har Smi Congregation, Henry Lauer to Miss SOPHY Beckendorf. On the uh instant, by Rev.

Jeremiah W. MeCulum, Richard Kennedy, of Wilmington, N.C.toMis! Ellen Jane Potter, of this city. Wi.mnigtou pa pers please c. p.y On the 4-h instant, by Rev. A.

A. Reese, John Moore to Miss arah of Baltimore citj On trie 3d instant, by Rev. Mr. Murray, Joseph T. Jones to Mies Alvirda Lineberger.

lAIarlborough Gazette plense copj.J On the 25th ultiin-s by Rev. James Sewell, Capt, Benjamin Hornby, of Talbot county, to Temperance Caulk, of this city tne 5 of April, by Rev. Mr. McJilton, Kopert Wylie to Mies Margaret Gibson, all oi this city. DIED.

On Monday morning, tue yth instant, Sebastian Sultzer, in the "Oth year of his age. a native or Berlin, Prussia, and for upwarda of filty years a resident ol this city. His friends and acquain'ance are requested to attend his funeral, on this (Tuesday) morning, at ten o'clock, from his late residence, No. 4 Greenniount (late York) avenue. On Monday afternoon, 9th instant, Mrs.

Eleanora Weber, in the 8th year of her age. Her friends and acquaintance are invited to attend her funeral, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from her late residence, North Calvert street, opposite Franklin street. On the 9ih inata-nt, of scarlet frver, in the 4th year of his age, John Thomas, son of Thomas and Lucy Ann Green. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral on this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 5 o'clock, from the residence of hia pa rents, alley, between Lexington and Fayette one door west of Diamond street. On Oth instan, p.fter a short Ulnes, Margaretta Ann, in the 7th year of her age, daujhter of Jacou and Sarah Ann Ilirsh.

Fare thee well, our lost and fairet, Dearest daughter, tare thee well; He who lent thee hath recalled thee, Back with him and his to dwell. Cambridge papers please copy. Tiie friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, at. 4 o'clock, from the resideiiceof her father, in A rmistead lane." On the 9th instant, Delila Sheppahd, in the 63d year of her age, consort cf the late Philip Sheppard. Her languishing head is at rest, Its thinking and aching are o'er; Her quiet immoveable breost Is heaved by no more.

This heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing pain; It ceases to Hutterand beat, It never shall flutter again. Her friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law, James Fiazier, No. 112 Orleans street, without further notice. on the 8th instant, Nathaniel Rirby, a worthy member of the Methodist Society, and long a respectable citizen of Baltimore. His friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, Sterling street, without, further notice.

On Sunday morning, the 8th instant, Mary Eliza aged 3 years, 10 montns and days, daughter of Jas. and Emily Jane Watts. Kent News please copy. On the 8th instant, Ltjcinda' Jane, aged 6 months and 3 weeks, only daughter of Wm. A.

and Mary Helton. On the 4th instant. Henry Slowey, youngest son of Henry and Elizabeth Arthur. On the 2d instant, Mary Caroline, aged 2 years and 7 months, dmighter of John and Mary Ann Riley. Suddenly, on Monday, the 25th ultimo, Chas.

Fox, aged 59 years and 1 day, a native of Lincolnshire, England, but for the last forty-five years a respectable citizen of Baltimore. May he rt st in peace. On the 4th instant, William Brazilla McFaul, aged 21 months and 2 days, sou of Eneas and Idilitea McFaul. Dearest son, thou hast left us, We thy loss moBt deeply teel, Yet 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. But again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled.

Then in Heaven, with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed. At Philadelphia, on Monday morning, 9th instant, at 8 o'clock, Josephine, aged 6 months, daughter of udge W. D. and U. S.

Kelley. HEALTH OFFICE, July 9, 1849. JfUportotnUrmerUs in the city of Baltimore forth last week, ending on Monday morning. Cholera Infantum Cholera Morbus Concussion of the Brain Consumption 17; Convulsions Croup Dropsy in the Head 1: Drowned Dysentery Catarrhal ever Scarlet Fever Typhus Fever Inflammntion of the Bowels Inflammation of the l.ungs Mania Measles Old Agei; Organic Disease of the Hearts; Palsy Bilious Pleurisy Phrential; Scrofula Still born 10; Teething Adult unknown Infantile unknown 23; Worms 2 Total 112. Still-born, 10; under 1 year, 45; between 1 and 2, 14; between 2 ami 6, between 5 and In, between 1 and 15, between 15 and 20.

beiwemi 20 ami 3t, 12; between 30 and 4, between 40 and 5o, between 60 and 60, between 60 and 70, between 70 end 80. 1 between 80 and 90. 1. Males bl; FemalesSl. Of which number 16 were colored persons 11 free, 5 slaves, By order, J.

FiC. Hadel, of Health, BALTIMORE, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1949. Father Mathsw in Use. The character of Father Mathew seems to be a compound of beuevo" lence, simplicity, and ger.Tieness, and there is very little doubt that the world-wide popularity he baa obtained, while it increases his power for ueefulneeB, is not exsctly to his biste. Scrupulous'y exact ia all hit worldly affairs, truly hone3t in the peculiar field of hit itinerancy, the 'lionizing" to which he hss been subjected on the other side of the Atlantic, and that which threatens hian here, not seem to sit well upon his shoulders.

Too much of it originates in and is no reflex whatever cf that genuine benevolence which animates him. In New York he hs already been used, according to the Sun, renovate a sinking society, l-y an exhibition at the Tabernacle at two shillings a he sd. A tatter hasnlso tent him a hat, with a flourishing note, to which lie good Father resounds, with becoming gentleness and kindness. These letters are paraded by the batter, he says, "as a matter cf interest to all who in witnessing an interchange cf courteaes be-twea great Fn-hr Matbew will no doubt be used to satisfy the eel.lafine-sa of cltqa-js and individuals, if possi-M, and we should not be surprised at some effort to turn bin to politiesl seccur.t during the fall. We ji're, J-oTTCwr, that all attempts of the kind will be by the publie and the press.

We fci-uuid ha pleased to see a liberal contribution and a vhoW K-uled hospitality exemplify the American of Father Mathew'e character and labor.8; no tb ts he miy act freely in his intercourse with the c.n be accessible to Hil without cost; and thus to work out the gKd purpose of his mia-sir-, the benefit of all who desire to avail them-Bi-lvt of the opportunity to receive the pledge from is Fbanck 1S3 Rome There can be no longer room for doubt with any unprejudiced nnd intelligent man, as to the criu'tifiaMe and intolerant character of Frenrh interventio- in Rome. The communication or OuJiiiot to tad triumvirate, precisely accords with the spirit of recent events in France, and forbids any other conclusion thin that the so-called Republic be lost in a despotism rctireely second to thc6e of Austria and Russia. The only hope that remains iV.r liberalism ia France, is, in the army. Yet, at Lyon, the soldiers stein to Lave been animated by an infuriate loyalty in their resistance to, and their attacks upon the people. They were the willing slaves of the monarchists, and in words and deeds, gloried in the opportunity to pruve they were not -socialists." So France is rot republican.

Ik 13 iill iiuym t-cable theories upon the aul of society, in civil l.fe, and full of gorgeous mV-ta of glory, in her miliary existence, the grandeur of republicanism is too simple f.r her comprehension. The absurdities of ard the ploitinga of red republicanism, are l.vt of the nature of popular independence; and although it is plain that the demccraie principle is exclusively with the opponents of the Prtaidi-nt aad tae administration, it is also plain, that the errors iih which it is encumbered peril us existence, ua-tier tte ad'oit and plajsible action of the monarch ms. Leeds a Washington, a Hanco*ck such men ss the fathers of the American revolution. But we ask vain, where are suih men now to be foun The Health of Baltimohs yet continues better than at thi period last year. The whole uumter of week', as shown by the official report elsewhere, was 112, while ia the corresponding week of 1545, the interments were 138, of which 25 were i7 cholera infantum, two more than last week by that disease.

Taere were in that week of 1643, deatLs by dysentery and two by diarrhea, while now there is only one by dysentery, none by I tU one by cholera morbus, 'i he deaths, too, by tv-nLus fever are, for last week, only 3, while ia 1545, tey were 11- For the pest six weeks, ending yesterday morning, the deaths have been. 547; in the corresponding period last year tLev were 6o7 showing a diminu tion of 110 in favor of the present time ar.y lietter and mere grateful evidence be wanting of thj good health cf Baltimore, at present. Health Philadelphia. -The deaths ia Philadelphia lest week were 401, according to the oineial return of interments, cf which 174 were by cholera asphyxia. 53 by cholera infant am, 11 of csolera morbus.

13 by diarrhea, an i 14 by The report if the Board of Health, however, shows only 11-i deaths by cholera last week, which, added to ll3 previously, makes 232 all 30th May cnt of C29 eases. It is clear thai ail the cases are ret reported to the Board of Health. There is very little of row in Phila -elpfcia. EraoPSAX 'Va os TH3 The oifieif.i aniiouneemtr.i, which we M.tieei j-esterday, of a French blockade of a portion of the African const, in cons quenee of depredations upon French property by the natives cf Acia, ia violation of a treaty, renders intelligible tne account which we gave in the same paper of a three daj s' severe attack upon the Africans at Rio Nunez, in March, by the crews of both a French and Belgian frgate. Several hundred irrtives mcde a etuubora defence, with 7 pieces of emnon, in a but were finally pretty weli killed off.

Before seeing the notice of blockade, thought probable tht the affair grew out of the efforts of these two governments to suppress the el it- trade. Gold. We were shown, a fev da? a some spedmena of gold received in this city d-e packet. Ii was gathered by the V.r.tlVes i-f that country from washings nt the baa- of Tn snd is the richest specimens we have 'en ft eiid to te more abundant there than Cli riua, and obtahied with very little labor. When ije new eviony, now being settled by the colrrf einigrii ts.

becomes fully developed, we have Jlr, wiii be discovered to possess immenEe the way of aainerais, as well as in ether u-ccs, which will be productive of a large trade biwten hat and our own country. Tlh I.iBzaiA Tacket will tail from Baltimore, i-A Mosiri vi and otner ports in Liberia, on the Is; rlay of Augint next. Ia miking this annountemeiit, Kev. Wai. MeLsiin, Secretary of tte Colonization sh*tty, appeals to the public, puetoa of churches, for pecantary aid, and says: "We huve to pay this month 2 42! SS the expedition from New Orleans in pril, toward the one from the s-ime place i.i Jini'-try and 5UD towarl the one from Savannah ia Ma; and our treasury is r.ov? empty." Post-paid letters, either for Liberia or the United States squaaron, wiii be forwarded bythisvessl and emigrants are to report themselves a day or two beforehand, at the Colonization offiee in this city.

Ths Picxpockbts appear more numerous and successful in Boston than any where else. The papers record daily two or three successful depredations of the gentry, several of the latest upon strnage's to the tune of 20U and 1300 each. If any of our citizens wander to the Athens of America during their summer peregrinations, they must look out that they do not have a practical illustration of the accomplishment. U. S.

Naval School. We learn from thi An-napo'-U Free Press that the examination of the Midshipmen of the Naval School in that city, which was to have commenced yesterday, has been nost- poned until Monday next Com. Shubrick, (President,) and Capt. Isaac Mayo, members of the bourd being detained ou Court irtial at Norfolk. Tux Fourth of Jult was celebrated at Easton Md by the Division of the Sons of Temper at that place, joined bv the Trappe and King's Creek Divisions.

Rev. L. R.Reese delivered the prayer in church, and Wm. B. Clark, the oration.

There were other addresses and a dinner. The Guards and Cadets were on parade. Mohs Factories at Wevirto. A large furnace for manufacturing iron with co*ke is being erected near Weverton, by Messrs. J.

Burker of Baltimore, who also intend putting up three other factories, with a roiling mill and nail factory. So we learn from the Boonsboro' Odd Fel-'ow. Mortality is Washington. Deaths in Washington, during June, 6fJ, of which 10 were by consumption, 3 by cholera, 2 by cholera morbus, 3 by cholera infantum, 1 by dysentery.and 1 by sun-stroke. There were Vi under one year old, and li from 20 to 40 years of age, mid 12 from 40 to 60 yearg old.

Mabtlaxd Postmasters. Richard P. McCurdle has been appointed Postmaster at Wilhamsport, in place of Win. Sttffey, removed; and Charles White-lots Postmaster at Salisbury, ia place of M. Midux, removed.

Our er'rwFrnmrnt hna Tft. ULOCKABB Off aji.ii.'- reived cfiicial notification of the blockade and siege of Ancor.aby the Ac.trisr.s, with the view of re- etcrhtg th Pope. Ths Ho. James Buchanan Imb been requested 1 he city council of Unesster, Ta to deliver ait wrTHK in LKH f'itt Of Rnl alaH nKUpmble at the City Hall, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOOf. a ii c'j for ttle PurP 'se of a king arrangements cu i tunerai ol Kol.t.

Aitken, fcrq laie Jnfie of he Pp.e of Baltimore city It it HOSE COMPANY. The nievnbers are requested to atte a special J15 Company, on THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Kkh instant, at 8 o'clock, at Franklin Hall, corner of Eden and Mulliken Ftreeis. Be punctual hi "iixiiuance. liy order of the Bui ng Committee. Ll F.

D. HK I ZLKR, See'ry. If '5 'AO THE bONS OF yf. There will be meeting held THI.S(Tuesday) KVr.NlfVG.jit.thn a nf oil th. se Representatives who have been elected to accompany the "Grand Division" to Cumberland, on ednesday, 18 inst.

Punctual attendance is desi-Table, asthe bal arrangements will be ma''e. All otner members the "Ordei" that intend visiting Cumberland at the reduced invited to be pre If W. P.SPKNORR. fhni-rrfiii. MbKli' khvVAKU-eXJs ED Messrs.

Kilitorse irt. frw in Your paper, a fewdaysagi the appointment of our young rowi Finau, Alex. IiRBkenhigk Hcsson, an Assistant Surgeon iu the United States. There are but few men of his years in our community more capable of filling that s'ati ni. His talents are of the first order, without that tinsel cr gas too common among tl.e young men of our day.

Ii he is spared hen 1th and days, 1 feel no doubt he will be at the Lead of his pro fession. I nderstand he is ordered to Tort Lenven worth, in Missouri, and leaves here in a few dnvs. May sue c89 nttead him. A A lIT MORE AN It: tip BALTIMORE A-Yl'OtiRAMiOAi, ETY. At a special meeting of t.iis Society.

held on Saturday evening. July 7. 1849 the President in the Chair the following preamble and resolutions were submitted by Columbus W. Gould, and unani mously adopted Whereas, it has pleased Almighty toa to remove heace JAMES K. POLK, who hia filled the highest ntfioe wirhin nft.

iif the ree oeorile of America- the Presb ency of the United States; and vhereas the iw.riii... gf th it iirnnouKt.PHtiffine their respect for his worth by paying tunerai soiemmueo io memory: it ristnlvcrl hn the mimher of the Baltimore xu pographical Society, That we deem it eminently pro per, on tne occasion oi tne aenw oi cih-gcji that we snouid evince our regnrd not less for the man who has thus paid the great tteiii oi na ture than to the exalted positioii lieoccupiea. Resolved, That we will unite in any public demon aim Hon af hnnur to his mt-morv. fiesolvt.d. That if tiie authorities should carry into effect thecontemplated funeral arrangements, wtnoiu ourselves in readmesB to unite iu turning out as a feo ciety in the procession.

fin nf RiriURn Was Further Resolved, That a Committee of five be ap-nointed hr the Chair to act as a Committee of Ar rangements, in accordance with the foregoing resolutions. iiereuppo the Chair appointed the following gen- ciemen: niciiaru iruwioiu, -jcui nc Young, T. D- Suitzer. and C. W.

Gould. (In tntlnll nt IV IN. II. NPWET.T,. it.

WBB Resolved, That, these proceedings be signed by the Fri-sideut and Secretary, and published in all the daily papers of the city. GEO. H. RAN DELL, President. John W.

Pertoy. Secretary. AMl'SliNIi AMD ASlOMl-ll L'i FISKE will Lecture and Ezperi- ment EVERY EVENING tliiBweek, at the Saloon of the BALTI MORE MUSEUM. Seats may be se cured at any hour. Classes will be formed at sucn times ob may best suit the convenience of thoso who wish to attend.

Jtvmi iNSTlTliTH fOK '1 HE 1 tt OF THE MEcHANIo ARTS. The Kegula'- Monthly Meeting takea place on WEDNESDAY KM 1M, 11th inetant, at ui the Hail of the Institute, over Ihe Post Office. Candidates for members hip will send iu their nanus by some member. order, jy9 sr. SAM L.

SANDS, ee'ry. 75- THE CoMGRtGA ilO OF si'. FaIL's CHURCH are hereby informed thatthere will be an adjourned meeting of the PE SAi tKUAi tnei4tn instant, at i o'cioes, tk' Church. A general attendance is earnestly re queBeii. -AM OFFICIAL MO HF1CA 1'IOM bl JS THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO.

Foreign and Home Department His excellency tue President of the Republic has communicated tome the following decree: Joss Joaquin de Herrera. President of the Re pub ic of Mexic to tne inhabitants thereel: Know ye, by these presema, that Congress has approved ol the following decree: Article 1. Autnonty to the Government to contract for a railroad trom the port ot Vera Cruz to the La pital; thence to some port on the Pacific; with such branches as in ey seem convenient to otner towns, u.i der the following conations: 1. The railroad must be finished within fifteen years, and the work commenced before two, ealcu lating tire time irom the aateoi tiie 2. To contractors the foliowini privileges will conceded: First.

For the road and its branches an exclusive lor nitv years. Second. The trains, materials, and necessary in strumentsfor its construction, the coal which they may require until that oi the republic may be brnuzl ir.t use, to be ee of duties; the whole suhjtct to the tann ana tne lormuuuts inerein prescriDea. Third. Should the railroad pass over any of the public domains, enougn bind will be granted to tiie contractors for the construction of said road and its appendages; besides the preference will be given to fiemtor the eswonsnmciii oi colonies on bothcoar.ts su'rect to tiie laws which, will be dictate t-3 that eflect.

ourth. Such private property and round as mar be needed for the construction of the road and its stations will be granted, subject to the ruies pre scrioed by pasta.i, article 112 ot the cons ution. This privilege or right will only be made ueof rro vided the contractors cannot come to an amicable arrangement with the proprietors. Fifth. Should the railroad, two years after the date of the contract, resell that p.irt of the country bf yond Vera Cruz wnere the yellow fever does not the Governmentjwill then grant an extension of wo more years on the exclusive privilege, and if it reacheB the point indicated before the expiration of the two ytars.

a piivilege of one year more for each month thus saved. Sixth- Incase the contractors allow twenty per cent, of the profits to the publie treasury a further extension of thirty years will be granted on the exclusive privileges. At the expiration of the extension the terms of article five must be complied with. 3. Foreigners engaged in thia underMkiug must understand that, from thiafact alone, theirrights as such cease in all parts of the country where tuis work is carried on.

Art. II. The Government will award the contract to him or to tho.e whose proposals are the most ad vantageousand in keeping with the conditions of the Creedti. article. For this purpose three months will allowed for the i eceiving of Baid proposals, it being optional wuh the Gcverment to prolong the time tat ed to three months.

Art III. In order that the preceding articles may go into effect, the Government will give orders that, this decree be translated and published in those newspapers which hve the largest circulaiion in Europe and North America, and tne time stated by article two will commence with the day the packet leaves with copies of this decree. Art- IV. Should the contractors for the principal road think proper not to const-uct the branches which may have been selected, the Government will then contract with others for this object. Art.

V. At the expiration of the exclusive privilege the railroad, trains, and buildings will become national property. Art. VI. In those places where the railroad follows the public roada enough space must be allowed, as per dee: ee of the 24th September, 1842, to permit carriages, horses, and foot passengers to meet wih no obstructions in their transit on said roads, should they not wish to avail themselves of the railroad.

Art. VII. The iovrnuient has the power to contract for the railroads they may think proper in any part of the republic, subject to the same conditions, with exception as to the time of completion and the length of tne privileges in which they must be governed by the distances and difficulties which they may have to overcome in their construction. rt. VIII.

Should the contractors solicit any concessions the Executive will, in cass he thinks it expedient to grant them, demand authotity from Congress yield them such. Art. The authority granted by this decree does not interfere whatever with the liberty the constitution grants to the different States for opening and improvement of their public roads. jose Maria cuevas, President of the House of Reps. M.

SIuICEEO, Secretary of the House of Reps. MANUEL G. PEDRAZA, President of the Senate. JOSE IGNACIO VILLASENOR, Secretary of the Senate. Letthesamebe published, distributed, and complied with.

Palace of the National Government in Mexi-co, May 18, 1849.gB JOAQTJ1N DE HERRERA. To D. Jose Ma- Lacujsza. Which 1 communicate to you for your government. God and Liberty.

Mexico, May, 18, 1340. iej-3-la-w4t liAGTTNZA. A CARD. VVe respectfully call the attention of capitalists to our sale of valuable property on West Piatt street, and immediatel opposite the circular depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at half-past 4 o'clock, on the premises.

N. B. See advertisem*nt. Plat.swiU be exhibited at sale. CANNON, BENNETT, Auctioneers.

A CARD TO BOOT AND SiloE uEALEKS. We call the attention of the Retail Trade to our Sale of Boots and Shoes, on TUESDAY iOth inst. Tne purchaser of the Fixtures will have the privilege of renting the Store, which ia considered one of the best stands for the business on F' ell's Point. For particulars see advertisem*nt. j71i Ll'SBV Auctg.

FF1CE OF THF; bA LT1MORE HARFORD TURNPIKE COMPANY, Baltimore, July 9th, 1849. The Board have this day declared a Dividend of tteo per cent, for the last six months; payable at the Chesapeake Bank, dtTOani. lU-e4t GEO. H. I LLIAMS, Sec'y.

OFFICE OF THE BALTIMORE HAVRE DE GRACE TURNPIKE COMPANY, July 9th. 1849. Tne President and Managers have this day declareda Dividend of four per cent, for the last tix months; payable on demand at the Chesapeake Bank, to the Stockholders or their legal representatives. 5yin-eo4t GEO. H.

WILLI AMS, Scy. TVlOriUii. The creditors of JfacrH R. HICK-llN EY, an insolvent deotor, are hereby notified to present their claims, duly authenticated, to GEO. EARNEST, Auditor, on or before the 1st day of August next, preparatory to a dividend of assets.

C. L. LEARY, jy)0-1aw3w Permanent Trustee. SQK REWA RD. The Triumphant Division, iwtJ Sonsor Temperance, at Elkridge Landing, will give the above reward for the apprehension of the ihief and the recovery of a BIBLE, stolen from the room of said Division, by breaking into it during the last week.

The Bible was a large one, with gilt edges, and had the name of the Division on it. M-eo3t E. E. BKI.L. W.

P. CORNS! CORNS EXTRACTED in a few vrith-out pain, and warranted never to trouble the patient again, by Professor RICHES Surgeon Cinropodii; Office, 16 S. CALVKRT T. Terms. Single extractions, 50 cents.

Fimiliei attended at their own eeidences. or in attendance as above daily, from 9 A. M. to 7 P.M. r-O'iib Nails rectified.

Ii Hfll ROUGH IN SIX MINUTES AUSTINS J- PATENT MAGIC FREEZER will positively freeze Cream, ready to serve up, mid as light aa a snow flake, in from six to ten minutca. An examination of the article will convince the most incredulous of its wonderful expedition and power. For sale by the patentee. A. 11.

AUSTIN, No. 61 N. Eutaw Btreet, near Saratoca treet. Also, by CORTLAN No. 203 Baltimore treat.

jyio St.rV 1 1 LEAF, just received and yfp.oPE, 8i wimrf. jio tf BACON tIDE, SHOUl.Dlutvo eaaaa Baeon tSlOES.i 20 tierces Bicon SHOUbUftfto (. wt srH'EFER, ADOLITIUS '7n frjwiy'a wharf. Jyin-2 I IACKEREL. 1YJL 10 bbls.

new No. 8 HAbKUKCij 25 2 Just received and for sale by popEi jlO-tf No. 81 Bow'ly's Vhnrf. 12 puncheons "ft. Croix" RUM In 2 "Jamaica" do xi nr.

Pale Brandy title In Custom as en- 20 qr. pipes agior raie di.u, 100 Caddy boxes Imperial and Young Hyson 1EA 10 Cases Manilla INDIGO SO Boxes Castile SOA warranted S.I0 superior Eastern Shore AMS. srnilb size For sale by WHEELER tePKltru, Iyu-4C 77 and 3 ouiliii rVAGUFIKKEO i HE 1 1 A 'l UKK POR TRAITS, with case, taken plain or with scenery back ground, for one doll r. Also Portraits ot IMF AM AS taken at BAKER'S, 1 1 corner Centre MnrVet nd Iti wrc ts. fERTAlM DF.AiH A new article ol Pi icOM PA HRR.

for the destruction ot flies and al! kii ds of insects, for sale, whole-Bale and retail, by HL'M- PJHM.h,v muukk, in o. 158 Pratt Btreet. M.H. or sale, at very low prices, all Kinds ot Writing Paper and Blank Books, School and Miscellaneous Books, Bonnet Boards, Curtain and TisBue Paper, an Envelopes, fce. tc It." I OAF SIIKAK RUT 1 FIR Ac.

I-i Jimt received from New York. 20 raekaees of Stuart's Loaf, Crushed and Ground feLilxAK; also on nana, -tii ikivpr if ienKr.ein'8 auu loaves rev urieanBdo; Stuart's Syrup, i cents; iresn rulij BUTTER, 12J, together with a full assortment cf GROCERIES, very low, for cash. BARLOW LAWRENCE, jy 10 ltr No 46 North Paca st. GR.EE AMD OTHER GINGHAMS, ju BONNFIIS, H( in NETS, quarter. Yaed Wide Table Diaper, 12 RlllBONS (SCARCE) WHITE, lj CARPETING! CARPETING! CARPETING! Very Handsome Figtrkd, Yabd Wide, I2i JSot tcrg.ttmz those Hp IxIP It tiAwz, at H.

KAK T'S. 158 I llbriOic-4 All tiRASS sKiltls. Whi: colored CRAPES: TAkLE'fuNS; ILLLSIONb; Thread and Silk GLOVFiS; woi feed Stripes ai Kui-fline; Embroidered COLLARS: LACE CAF; Thread Laces ad Edgings; Bobbin Edges; black Siik Laces; Swiss a'd Jaconet Ecgings and Inserting; Green and Blue Bareee. white and coi'd Demi VeiU; lntants' Robes and Belt Ribbons, e. Call at No.

147 BALTIMORE 2 doors below Calvert. M. BROADBENT- OWH AT A SHAME BUT HERE THKY GO. SELLING OFF, AND NO i-S lalAKLl We are clooing out our stock at an awful sacrifice. Silk Gloves I2J cents, worth 25; Lustres 121, cost 25; Chameleon Plaids 124, worth 2i; 500 Collars at half pi ice; Fast Colored Prints 61; Extra Scents; Misses' 3 cents; Lawns 12j cents, worth 16; Men's Hate Si, -worth $2: Lace 4.

worth i bread Edging Bobbin do Cot. do. Riubon6; Pant Stuff; summer Cloti i5; Black Gingham8l2i; lOOsuitsMen's Wear; Lnder-siiirts and Drawers; 6t0 Dress and Cnlico Shirts, and ten thousand and cue other bargains. Going, gomi, cheap and cheaper still. Come ail and see ELBERT WOLF, Right on the lower corner cf jlO-TnTb Broadway and Eastf-rn wv-ue.

CASt. SmaJi Plaid 1JMFLM Ltsi KKS 11 1 do. all wool BAREGES at 25, worth S7i A lot of Piaid Linen DRILLINGS at37j Boy's Leghorn Hts (new style) 2.5, worth.75 fttill another lot or ATTIN ii at iSi Splendid Floor Oil Cloths cheap 2r pieces Stripe ana igurea arpermg at a lime half price, at THE PEOPLE'S STORE, over io L.cxiii5io:i street, jylO tfr first Dtt Goods Store above Howard st. REDUCED PRICES. HAMILTON EASTER 2.3 BALTIMORE Have reduced tne price of all their SUMMER GOODS LAWNS, BAREGES, GINGHAMS, SILKS, MUSLIN'S, fcc.

Attention is iimted to our Ia'-ge and splendid SfK-k. jyin-2tr Kt.ElVfclJ luliA. ti 100 dozen Gents' full size Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, at 3 50, 4 60, 5, 6 and $8 per doz 150 pieces Plain Swis USLlNS Tamboureo Swiss Muslins, now so fashionable for yiBites, 250 dozen Damask NAPKINS, and size; extra cheap 50 pieces Berlin NET SHIRTING, an entirely new and superior article Wc are receiving dsaly a variety of new and desirable Goods, which, being bxught at low pnecs, we can offer on tems to accommodate purchasers. One price only. HAMILTON EASTER jylO 2rr 213 Bainmo.e reet.

PRESERVING PHESr RVLG. The subscri--1- bers have on hand and offer at very low prices, an assortment of GLASS JARS, fiom half pintfo 1 gallon, suitable for Jellies aid Preserves; alsi low priced TUMBLERS for same purpose. On hand as usual, a eeneral assortment of CHINA, GLAS-S and QUEENSWARE, at lowest market prices, at wht lesHie or retail. J. C.

BOKEE fe fAPHStl 41 North Howard pt. LX 1 KAuRDl Attk GOOi.SSl-6.J0 pair of those very suterior Paris Emb'd SuspendetE, 25 cts. a pair sold in a fe days call at once, aud secure a pair you may never see the like again; a few more of those economical and very euii'r i It Brushes, 12i, 18J and 25 cts; genta' and indies' sup'r Lisiethresid Gloves; Silf Ele.stic Tops, 25 cents, iylft-rfr MORTIMER Ar ALA1MOKE FlKE INUKANvjFi OOMPAN Y. NO. 24 SOUTH STREET.

Tliie Company continues to INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, in the city oi country, on the varions descriptions of property. J. I. COHEN, President. F.

Wootjworth, Sec'ry. jlo-tASr A. WlSOMbr, Mo. 2iV. LIBERTY STRJi-'iT.

WHOLF.SALE AND RETAIL DEALER iii WINDOW GLASS. PAINTS, OIL, TUKPEN TIN VARN ISA FS, c. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, Canvaea BRUSHES, COLORS, c. DAGUERREOTYPE STOCK, CASES, Plata, CHEMICALS, STAINED GLASS, furnished to order, of any pattern or design. jylOeotfr All of wiiioh aroffred st thn lowest rr.nrger ratea DISEASES OF OMEN AND CHILDREN JAMES A.

REED. Will pay particular attention to DISEASES of Fe mules and Children. Private e-nisultstions at his Office, No. 4fi North GAY (first Dwelling North of the German Church.) from 8 to 10 o'clock, A. and from I ro S'clfwlr.

P. M. i 1 0 or U'NEAL ANTl-OHOLERA BEL.T. approved of and recommended by a number of Physician and Surgeons of this and other cities. We are daily sending them to all parts of the Union.

Manufactured ana for Bale, wholesaleand retail, by O'NEAL ROY. corner Hanover and Lombard ats. E. H. Stabler Wholesale Agents, Baltimore.Md, Cooke ic Peale, Alexandria, Va.

Purcell, Ladd ichmond, Va. M. A. Santos, Norf oik, Va. H.

RneHBi Petenhii'fr. Va. t.TTSSr rui iriE XHF GREAT MAJORITY OF CASES AND DEATHS fRuM CHOLERA are persona that are debilirat'pd by disease. Very few, if any, persons in perfect, healtu. with )od constitutions, take it prudent in diet, But persona tht are weak and debilitated by disease, medicine, or by any undue ex citement of the passions, are liable to it at any time; aisoperaons of coat lve habits.

The beet temed- for such persons is Br S. P. Townsend'a Sarsaparilla, whieii strengthens, cleanses, and invigorates the whole system. It does not act as a ctha'tic, but auietly relieves the bowels about once in 24 hours and also relieves them of the burning sensation and pain a co.nmt at this time. We tin not recommend it for thecholera, although it has cared thousands cf cases of diarrhea.

The safest way at present is to call a good physician at once, if you have tne cholera, but, as a preventive it las no equal. ES-DEPOTNo. 108 BALTIMOR STREET, at the sign of the laTge Red Botti rtciivtd fresh from the Factory Every Week. N. B.

Take none but such asure signed byS. P. Townsend, which is the only genuine and original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Cg-Di. S.


P. TO WNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA Is performing thousands of cures in Nervous Diseases, especially in Nervous Prostration and beneral Debility of the system. It effects the most astonishing resalts. The patient frequently feels relieved in ten minutes. The following from a highly respec'a bie gentleman is in point: New York, Dee.

28, 1848. Dr. S. P. Townsend Dear Sn: I have been severely afflicted for a length of time with great physical Debility and prostiation of the whole Nervous System.

At times I have fallen in the streets by at tacks of dizziness in the head, accompanied with singing in the ears. I also suffered with the Dyspepsia, sickness at the stomach, and sensations of faint-ness. I read that your Sarsaparilla was used for such complaints, and procured a bottle, and to my astonishment and surprise, before I had used the botUe, 1 was another man; indeed it cured me entirely. 1 have never been ao surprised at any result in my life. I consider your medicine a great blessing, and will extend its use as far as possible.

Youareat liberty to publish this if you choose. I live and can be seen at No. 58, Prince Btreet. Thomas Lloyd, Jr. Depot 103, BALTIMORE STREET, SIGN cf the LARGE RED BOTTLE.

CAUTION EXTRA. All original and genuine Dr. Townsend's Sarsapa-panlla is signed by Dr. S. Townsend.

For sale also on the corner of Charles and Pratt ste. Sarsaparilla received every week. taug9r DR. S. P.

TOWNSEND. 1'itE OLil FK1ZE BOUSK AGAIN IN THE ASCENDANT! BP EIGHT THOUSAND Nos. 24 Z8 81. Yesterday, July 9th, Sold by the truly Fortunate MILLER CO. Eee the Managers' official announcement of the fact.

THE WORK GOES BRAVELY ON! and we again assert for a handsome CAPITAL PRIZE, i 14 TH? i-CB TO PURCHASE. This splendid Prize was a half ticket, and cost only One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents. ml IS" 3,400 net proceeds. The old Prize Office always ahead To-day, Miller Co. will sell you one at the CORNER OF BALTIMORE St.

PAUL STS. I HEREBY FORE vv ARM any person or persons ag iint trusting or harboring my wife, Eliza Boston, ns she has left my bed and board without cause, and I will by no means become accountable for any debt which she may contract. It DANIEL BOSTON HEREBY FOREWARN all persons from trusT-A ing or harboring my wile, Elizabeth Barclay, on my acri.unt, aa I will not pay any debts of her contracting irom tins date. JAMES BARCLAY. July UtH, itfv.i.

il PmlKdeiphiH "nd New York papers ptease copy. PISTOLS. 1 case of Allen's Self-co*cking Six Barrel and Single Barrel PISTOLS, just reeeived. Also, an assortment of FLASKS. For sale by i CAN FIELD, BRO.

jy 7 tf apr S. corner Baltimore and CharleB ats. toryis located in Pratt street, in wis my. nine were less than twenty different inpispensnble articles, some entirely new to that section. The Post says: The first novelty was a full sized bathing tub, made to last as long as the 'rock of sges The sides, ends, and bottoms are sawed out of the solid block, and then tennoned, grooved, cemented, and riveted together.

Leaking or corrosion are alto-sKtUer out of the question. It must also be entirtly free from odor, which always arises from tubs in which wood, paint, or solde is U8ed. Messrs. St Co. say thev can be furnished for nearly the same price as wood or lead tul'B.

The government has ordered a supply of them lor the West Point Academy. The next article was a factory roll, to take the place of the wooden or copper roll used in cotton factories. They are preferred over the latter kinds of roll because they neither warp, expand, shrink, nor corrode, and are much more enduring. Within six months the agents ave received from the most celebrated factories, ordets for more than 5,000 worth of these rolls. Then there is "sop Btone dust," ground, bolted, and rrepared for paint, founder's casting moulds, or as a substitute for oil and tar, in preventing friction of car wheels or other machinery.

Tne small water pipis, to line the iron or lead pipes of the aqueduct, for keeping the water pure and cool, will come into very general use as their use and importance become known. Their soap Etone filters sre already in great demand. They have also stone prepared for puddling, to be used in iron founderies, and ii has been found to answer tiie purpose completely. We also saw other articles more generally known, such as cooking ranges, st grates, fire places, beautiful as for lurimees, coping for brick walis, sinks, pantry shelves, lintels end sills i windows, and splendid specimens of the stone in block slabs. In the Revere House the fire places throughout are fitted up with this enduring and available material.

It has been in use over two ye its with very large fires, and is now ae sound and perfect as when first put up. Ma. Clay's Illsess The Lexington (Ky Observer, of tie 4th instant, sayB 'We had a painful rumor in the city yesterday, that our distinguished fellow-citizen, Mr. Clay, had been severely attacked with cholera at Ashland, and that he -9S a very cangcrous condition. We gratified to be able to contradict the rumor.

Mr. Cby was slightly unwell, us was Mrs. Clay lso, yesterday morning, but we learned in the evening, from the attending physician, thut both were entirely relieved." The d.tte of the above, so nearly corresponding with the first dispatch received here on the subject, leads to the inference thr.t this is the only illness with which Mr. C. has lately been clflicted, and that there hss been no cholera in the cae.

Fkom Msxico The Brownsville Flag has a ru. mvr th ai the moumnincers of the Sierra Madre lad marched on San Luis Potosi, plundering rad killing the inhabitants in their route, end took pot' session of the city. They then proclaimed their leader, Nesasti, Civil Governor, and elected Col- Cruz Commander-in-Chief, and marched on Tam- F-'-- Father Mateew's Hbalth is said to begin to surfer in New York from importunities of his friends A New York letter, to the PiiiHc'elphia Inquirer" lets the cat out of the bsg," too, as to the common council dinner to him, at the Irving Hotel. The letter says: "I am informed, by unquestionable authority, that five out of six of those who took part in this dinner, played a t'ick on the apostle of temperance, that thev drank liquor on that occasion, some having mixed gin, and some whisky, with the water. There can be no doubt cf the truth of this statement." CFThe annual commencement of the College of St James, nerr Hagerstown, tnkes place on the CO th mstiint- BY 3IAGXETIC TELEGRAPH.

Progress of trie Oliolera XortJi an.1 AYest. Telegraphed for tne Baltimore Sun Philadelphia, July 96 P. M. The choiera report shows an increase over yes'er-diy, as is alavs the case af't Sunday or a holiday The Bovd of Her 1th report 39 new cases and 20 deaths for tne 24 hours ending at New York, Ju 96 P. M.

There has been a fearful increase in the progress of the cholera curing tne last twenty-four hours. The Board of Health Teport to-day 120 new cases, and 43 deaths. Cincinnati. July The interments yesterday were by cholera 74, and other diseases 30. A heavy thunder storm visited our city mt evening.

Telegraphed for the Baltimore Sua Washington, July 9 -2 P. M. Reported Death of Mrs. Madison, fc. The venerable Mrs.

Madison is reported to have died a few minutes since. She was very advancad in see The Public Departments are ail closed to-day on account of the funeral honors which are being paid to the memory of the late ex-President Polk. Telegraphed for the Baltimre Sun Washineton-, July 99 P. M. Mrs.

Midi Still Li ring. Mrs still survives, but is not expected to live till morning. Telegraphed for the Baltimore Sun QcfcBEC July 9, 1S49. Death of Mr. Wilson, the Vocalist.

Mr the celebrated vocalist, died here today He was induced, a few days since, to go upon a hshing ex'-ursion with some friends, and the exposure meiden thereto priduced bis death. Telegraphed for the iltimore Sun New York, July 99 P.M. Conditio cf the Markets, fc. There has been no marktd change in cotton today, triouali the market is, if anytning, somewhst duller. The sales amount to 2,500 bales.

The flour market is decidedly firmer, at a slight advance, utiles of 8,000 bbla. Genesee at 4 6 a SI 75 per bid. Wheat in good requett; sales of 5.000 bushels red at 1 01 a SI 02. There is an active demand for corn, with sales of 60,000 bushel, at 61 cents for white, and 56 a 53 for yeiio.y. Tnere ha3 been an advance in Provisions.

Sale of Western Mes Pork at 10 75 a 10 Prune at 9 a S9 12J. Mess Beef is Siliing at 12 a 12 25. Lrd 6j atij eents. SjI of b'OO bbls. Whisky at 23 a 23 cents, and 500 lihds.

N. O. Molasseiat 22 cents. 1,500 bags Kio Coffee was sold at previous quotations. Stocks are dull, and the tendency is downward.

Telegraphed for the Baltimore Sun. Philadelphia, July 96 P. M. Conihtion of the Markets. Flour is in moderate request, with sales of Genesee at SI 50 a 85 Wheat is in fair denjand.

Sale of white at 105 a 107 cents, and red at 100 a 102. Yellow com is selling at 7 cts. uts 24 a 29 cts. Whi3key in bbls. 22 ct.

United States Loan 1S47, 116. Charleston, July 7. Large Fire at Geortmen, S. C. On the 5th, a destructive fire broke out at Georgetown, S.

destroying a large number of buildings, mbracing many of the principal stores. In blowing one of the buildings, to stay the progress of the nmes, a man was accidentally killed. liOCALi MATTERS. MoKUrnized. The Aisquith street Presbyterian church, near the intersection of Gay Btreet, and under tua pastoral charge of Rev.

Robert W.DuIap, is now undergoing a number of improvements, which, w.hen finished, will render it one of the most agreeable a nd handsome bouses of public worship to be found in the city. The entire front of the building has been pulleJ down, and a new one of beautiful proportion is rteing erected about ten feet in front of the old one, which will increase the capacity of the interior. The whole floor will be raised two feet, rendering t.he house more comfortable than ever, the height of Ihe windows from the floor heretofore prevented the congregation from enjoying the air. The pews art," now raised nearly on a level with the window sills, which is quite a desideratum. The interior will be painted in a modern Btyle, and be graced with a new and appropriate pulpit.

The front will be adornsd with four pilasters, surmounted by a heavy blaclc cornice. Mr. Hy. Harris is rxeuting the carpenter's work, and Messrs. Deets and Whitlock the bncklayia.

The church ia also to be provided with side and front galleries. Funeral Honors to Ex-Prtsideni Polk. The committee of arrangements, appointed by the Mayor to superintend the funeral honor to the menorv of the lamented ex-President, met yesterday in the First Branch Council Chamber. The report of the executive committee, recommending the appointment of the usual committees necessary for a procession, was received and approved. The firrt Monday in September, after considerable debate, was selected upon which the ceremonies will take place.

The resignation of Col. Jacob G. Davles, as Chief Marshal, was received and accepted, and Colonel Solomon Ilillen appointed to fill the vacancy, a com-mittee of three being selected by the elixir to invite his acceptance. Mr. J.

J- Turner was chosen treasurer. The Mayor was then requested to appoint the various committees, after which the meetiug adjourned. Magtstratt Deceased Justice Aitken, one of cur citv magistrates, died yesterday morning, at his residence on East, Pratt street. His death was occasioned by coi'geBMon of the brnin. He was much esteemed rs a'worthy gentleman, a good citizen, and efficient magistrate- Committed to Jail.

George Rhinehart was yesterday arrested ty oiiieerj Muliin upon the charge of riotous and disorderly conduct in the streets. Justice Long committed him to jail in default of security to keep the peace. BALTIMORE CITY AND MARINE BOSP1-JiRO ADW Medical Profession and the pnWic are respectfully informed tht this known as the Washintton College Hospital, has been reorganized and undergone a complete rem vation in every comfort and convenience, and now presents one of the best retreats for the sick and invalid. The increase of he population and commerce of the city demand such an institution, and we trust that this retreat, conducted as it will be on the most liberal plan, will meet with the approbation and support of the community. Professional genUemn, well known for tl'eirtn-leiit and experience as Surgeons and PhyBiciana.will pave charge of the sick, and every effort will be made by theundersigned, whose family resides in the house, that may contribute the comfort and relief of those who may become inmates of theinstitution.

Any fur the information may be obtained by addressing JOHN J. MORAN, M. 4aw2w Resident Physician. eulogy OH tae Qeccnecvi ciin on the acore of delicacy. 1.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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