RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (2024)

St. Maarten

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  • RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (22) SR


Experience the new

It's easy, safe and fast.

Effective April 4th, 2022 we have upgraded our RepublicOnline platform, should you encounter any challenges, please contact or call 1-721-584-4725.


New Online Banking Features

RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (23)

Why run to the bank when you can run your bank from anywhere, anytime.

You can use RepublicMobile to:


  • Account Balances
  • Transaction history
  • eStatements


  • Transfers between personal, third party Republic Bank and Other Bank accounts
  • Cardless Cash transactions
  • Real time credit card payments
  • Pay your Loans
  • Bill/utility payments, using your Republic Bank accounts or credit cards


Online Banking Demos

Personal Demos Corporate Demos

Registration and Login
  1. Registering for Internet Banking
  2. First Time login with SMS Feature
  3. First Time login with Republic Bank App Feature
Home Page
  1. Dashboard Overview
  2. Menu Overview
Personal Settings
  1. Change Personal Details & Password
  2. Change Security Devices
  3. Unlock Your Account
  4. Reset Password
My Product Views
  1. Product Views & Transaction History
Manage New Beneficiaries
  1. Republic Bank Accounts
  2. Local Bank Accounts
  3. Republic Bank Credit Cards
  4. International Bank Accounts
  5. Cardless Cash

  1. Between Your Own Accounts
  2. Third Party Republic Bank Account
  3. Third Party Local Bank Account
  4. International Bank Account
  5. Multiple Transfers
  6. Cardless Cash
Loan Payment
  1. Pay Your Loan
Utility Payments
  1. Subscribe to a Utility
  2. Pay your Utility
Service Requests
  1. Stop a Cheque
  2. Block Credit Card
  3. Block/ Unblock Debit Card
My Personal Finances
  1. Setting my Budget
Manage My Transactions
  1. Download Receipt
  2. Save as Favourite
  3. Schedule a Transaction
  4. View Online Activity
Manage My Notifications
  1. Manage My Notifications: Account Balance
  2. Manage My Notifications: Account Activity
  3. Manage My Notifications: Salary Deposit
  4. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Activity
  5. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Over Limit
  6. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Balance

Download Republic Mobile
  1. View Public Area of Mobile App
Registration and Login
  1. Logging into RepublicOnline
Home Page
  1. Dashboard Overview
My Product Views
  1. View My Products
  1. Between Your Own Accounts
  2. Third Party Local Bank Account
  3. Load Your own VTM Card
  4. Load Third-Party VTM Card
  5. Cardless Cash
  1. Pay your Credit Card
  2. Pay Republic Bank Credit Card
  3. Pay your Loan
  4. Pay Company/ Utility Payments

Registration and Login
  1. Registering for Internet Banking
  2. First Time login with SMS Feature
  3. First Time login with Republic Bank App Feature
  4. Logging into RepublicOnline
Home Page
  1. Dashboard Overview
  2. Main Menu Overview
Personal Settings
  1. Change Personal Details and Password
My Product Views
  1. Product Views & Transaction History
Administrator Duties
  1. Manage Users
  2. Manage User Permissions
Managing Approvals
  1. Set up Scope and Approval Scheme
Manage New Beneficiaries
  1. Republic Bank Accounts
  2. Local Bank Accounts
  3. Republic Bank Credit Cards
  4. International Bank Accounts
Utility Payments
  1. Subscribe to a Company/ Utility
  2. Pay your Utilities
Payroll & Suppliers
  1. Payroll Administration
  2. Supplier Administration
  3. Payroll Payment
  4. Supplier Payment
  1. Between Your Own Accounts
  2. Third Party Republic Bank Account
  3. Third Party Local Bank Account
  4. International Bank Account
  5. Multiple Transfers
Loan Payment
  1. Pay Your Loan
Service Requests
  1. Stop a Cheque
  2. Block Credit Card
Manage My Transactions
  1. Download Receipt
  2. Save as Favourite
  3. Schedule a Transaction
  4. View Online Activity
Manage My Notifications
  1. Manage My Notifications: Account Balance
  2. Manage My Notifications: Account Activity
  3. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Payment Overdue
  4. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Activity
  5. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Over Limit
  6. Manage My Notifications: Credit Card Balance



Q: How do I register for the new RepublicOnline?


To register for the new system you will be required to click on the link labelled “Register for RepublicOnline”, on the login screen.

Retail Customers

Users must select the Personal link and input the required data. The following information will be mandatory for retail registration: Customer ID, Account Number or Credit Card Account Number, PIN, Mobile Device.

Once you have completed the process, you will receive an email with your temporary password, and you will be guided to your first-time login, after which you can enjoy the benefits of internet banking.

Corporate Customers

Businesses/Companies must select the Corporate link, fill out the required fields, then print, sign, stamp and submit the registration form to the bank to complete the registration process. The following information will be required for each business: Customer ID, Site Administrator, Mobile Device (for selected Site Administrator)

Q: How do I complete a Retail registration?


Please use the following link to register for Personal Internet Banking:

You will be requested to enter the following information: -

  • Product Number (This is the same as your 12-digit account number)
  • PIN number (PIN number used at the ATM for your debit card)
  • Customer ID (This is your RIM number, which your branch will be able to provide)

In addition, if you did not complete a transaction at an ATM or POS terminal after November 4, 2019, please do so to activate the PIN, before initiating registration for RepublicOnline.

Using the link below, you may also visit our website for more information and guidance.

Q: How should my Password be composed?


When creating your password use 8-12 characters which must comprise one upper case and a number(s). No special characters must be used.

You may Login to your Internet Banking profile using the link below.

Using the link below, you can also visit our website for more information and guidance.

Q: As an existing RepublicOnline user, do I have to re-register for the new Internet Banking?


No, you do not have to re-register for Internet Banking as an existing RepublicOnline user provided you know your existing Username and Password. These will be required for your first-time login to the new platform. you will be required to logon using your current Username & Password. Customers who do not recall their current Username and Password will be required to contact the Bank.

Q: Do I still need to use my ID-Secure Card?


No. The ID-Secure cards will no longer be required to access RepublicOnline. You will now be required to use your mobile device for second-factor authentication.

Q: What will my username be in the new system?


Existing RepublicOnline users will retain their existing usernames. New users will be required to select their own username during the registration process.

Q: How often will I be required to change my password?


Passwords do not expire with the new RepublicOnline. Customers however do have the option to change his/her password, using the personal settings function.

Q: Is the new Internet Banking secure?


RepublicOnline offers a convenient and safe platform to conduct your banking needs. It provides enhanced security features such as Second-Factor Authentication, Security Image and Secret Question/ Answer

Q: What is second-factor authentication?


RepublicOnline has Second- factor authentication which is an additional layer of security to ensure your internet baking profile is protected. It forms an additional step in the login process, and this will now be done with the use of your mobile device, instead of the ID Secure card. Customers will have the option to use SMS Code, One Time Password (OTP), or Sync for second factor authentication.

Q: How do I reconfigure my profile to choose the Mobile App as my Second Authentication?


To reconfigure your profile to access the Mobile App, kindly follow these steps:

Click here:

Enter your Username and password. You will be directed to the page to enter SMS code or OTP or SYNC, select OTP then click “Continue”. On the next page, click the link Lost/Change phone. You will be prompted to enter your Secret Answer and email address. Once successful, you will be redirected to the Login page to enter your Username. Please select the 'Next' Action Button and Enter your Password, then select Next.

Upon completion, please follow the steps below:

  1. You will be directed to Select your 'Second Factor Authentication Device'
  2. Please select Republic Mobile App and select next, you will be redirected to a screen displaying the 'QR Code' and Coupon Code
  3. At this point please go to your relevant App store (PlayStore/AppStore) and download the 'RepublicMobile Eastern Caribbean' App (please enter the search exactly in this format to ensure you get the correct mobile app)
  4. Once the App was successfully downloaded select the Main Menu on the top left-hand corner denoted by three lines.
  5. Scroll through the list until you get to Security Devices.
  6. Select Activation.
  7. You will be directed to a page requesting that you enter the Username, please complete this field.
  8. You will then be asked to either Scan the QR code or enter the Coupon code (this is seen on the web browser)
  9. After Scanning or entering the Coupon code select the ‘Continue’ Action Button.
  10. You will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions.
  11. Once accepted please select “Confirm”.
  12. Once registration is complete select the Home button at the bottom right corner.
  13. On the Mobile App scroll down until you see two blue circles (OTP and Sync Approval)
  14. Re-direct your attention to the Web, and select the ‘Continue’ button, you will be taken to a screen that displays a pending Sync approval.
  15. Go back to the Mobile App and Select Sync Approval.
  16. The App will then check for registered users, once completed a Republic Login ID will be displayed, you may see more than one, please select the first on the list.
  17. You can then do one of two things, select the three dots, and approve or swipe on the login ID from left to right.

Once these steps are completed you will be logged into the web.

Whenever you attempt to Logon to the web you will be requested to enter an OTP or do a Sync.

If you select OTP you will need to refer to the Mobile App and select the OTP option on the home screen, a 6-digit timed code will be displayed.

If you require use of the Mobile Device simply Logon with your Username and password, the App will request an OTP/ SYNC, select SYNC and you will be automatically taken to the App.

Q: What is an SMS code?


An SMS code is a 6-digit code that is sent to the user’s mobile device, each time he/she logs into Internet Banking. Users will be required to use this code to log on to RepublicOnline.

Q: What is an OTP?


An OTP (One Time Password) is a 6-digit code that can only be used once to log in to RepublicOnline and is only valid for 30 seconds and once it expires the app will generate another until the login process is complete.

Q: What is Sync?


The Sync option is an approval process whereby the Mobile App is synchronizing the user’s login on the web and asking for approval for the user to login. Select the Sync option on the home screen of the App and you can either swipe to approve login on or, click on menu to either Approve or Reject the login.

Q: How do I Login for the first time?


You may Login to your Internet Banking profile using the link below.

Your First Login
Login RepublicOnline by entering your Username chosen at registration.
Click "next" to proceed
Enter the temporary password sent via email, then click on "next". You will then be prompted to change the password and click on "Confirm" to confirm the change and continue. Password must be 8 to 12 characters using a capital letter, numerals. No special characters must be used.

Set Security image
The security image functions as an anti-phishing device. The image selected will be displayed whenever you Logon.
Click on "Next" to proceed to the following step of the security setup process.

Set Security Question
The secret question is used as validation to update personal data, security and User settings. The User must create his/her own secret question. The system does not provide templates or options for the secret question.

  1. Enter a secret question of your choice
  2. Enter the answer to the question in the "Secret Question" field provided.
  3. Select "Next" to proceed to the next step of the log in process.
  4. Select Second Authentication Method
  5. The options available are SMS and Mobile App. All users will be required to select one of these options and the mobile number to register or enrol the device.Option 1 – SMS (only available to customers locally)
    1. Select the SMS option from the list of security devices
    2. Input the local mobile number (with the country code) of the device you wish to enrol.
    3. Whenever an attempt is made to Login to Republic Online, the User will receive an SMS, containing a code/token which must be entered on the website to validate the User.

  6. Option 2 - Republic Mobile App

    When the Mobile App option is selected, the User will be instructed to download and activate the Republic Mobile Eastern Caribbean App on his/her mobile device.

    Once the Mobile App is downloaded, the User will be required to sync the mobile device by using a code to link the device with their RepublicOnline profile.

Q: What will happen if I misplace my mobile device?


If you misplace your registered mobile device, simply click on the Lost Phone link, which is available on the third login screen of the application. You will be required to provide your secret question and answer for validation after which you will be allowed to register a new mobile device.

Q: What should I do if I forget my password?


If you forget your password, you can select the “Reset Password” link on the password screen. A temporary password will then be generated and sent to you via email. Once the temporary password is used to login, you will be prompted to change your password.

Q: How do I unlock my profile?


Kindly follow the steps below to unlock your profile:
On the password input screen, select Unlock User.

RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (24)

You will be prompted to enter the Secret Answer and your email address. Once entered correctly, you will be successfully unlocked.

NB: If a user is


, he/she will have to contact the bank to be unblocked.

Q: What is the secret question?


RepublicOnline uses the secret question to validate a user when he/ she needs to make amendments to their personal settings. User will be required to create their own secret question and secret answer.

Q: I received a Pink error (Contact the bank with reference number…), what does that mean?


RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (25)

The error seen is due to connectivity challenges. Please retry and you should be able to Login successfully. Additionally, it is advisable to clear the cookies and cache on your browser prior to attempting.

Please use the following link to Login to Internet Banking:

Q: How do I disable/delete my online banking profile?


To disable or delete your online banking profile, instructions should be sent via email to with the following details:

Subject: “Disable/Delete Online Banking User – username”
Full Name:
Customer #:
I want to Disable immediately
I want to Delete immediately
Reason for Request:

All requests must be signed

If you need to acquire your Customer # or encounter any challenges, please contact our Call Centre at 1-721-584-4725 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist.

Q: What are the new features and benefits of the new system?


The new system offers a variety of new features, including:

  • Fund transfers to other Local banks
  • International wire transfer requests
  • Loan payments
  • Cardless Cash
  • Salary payments (Corporate users only)
Q: Are there additional fees associated with internet banking?


There are no additional fees attached to internet banking transactions. However, all standard bank charges remain applicable for the respective transactions done via RepublicOnline.

Q: How does a Corporate / Company register for RepublicOnline?


Firstly, you are required to assign a Site Administrator for your Company. The Site Administrator will be responsible for the Company's Internet Banking profile, adding Company Users, and assigning permissions to these Users.

Using the link below, please download the Corporate Registration form for completion. Once read, you check the box to agree the Terms and Conditions.

On page five (5) kindly download the registration form.
When completed scan and email the signed forms to Please note that the forms must be signed by the Company's authorized signatories/Directors in accordance with your mandates held by the Bank.

Q: Can I schedule payments on the new platform?


Yes. The new system allows users the flexibility to schedule payments and transfers daily, monthly or weekly if required.

Q: How do I conduct a Transfer?


To do so, you first need to create /register the beneficiary via Manage> Third Party Beneficiaries.
See screenshot below.
Upon creation of the beneficiary, select Transfer> Choose type of transfer> Choose Debit and Credit Accounts> Enter Amount> Additional Data (Statement Description)> Continue> Confirm

RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (26)

Q: What is Cardless Cash?


Cardless Cash is a feature of online banking (Personal) which allows users to access up to EC$1,000 or US$370. daily at any Republic Bank ATM, without the use of a card. These funds can be sent to yourself or anyone with a mobile number.

Once a Cardless Cash transaction is completed, a Transaction ID and Cash Code will be sent via SMS (text) to facilitate accessing cash via the ATM. These codes are only valid for one-time use and expire within 48 hours.

Q: How long does it take for third-party transfers to reach the beneficiary’s account?


For Republic Bank Beneficiaries – The transfers are real-time. Therefore, the beneficiary will have access to the funds right away.

For Local bank transfers – Transfers submitted by 3:30pm, will be sent to the other Local banks by the end of day. Requests submitted after 3:30 p.m., will be remitted by the next day.

Q: How long will a transfer to an international account take on internet banking?


The standard service time of a maximum of 3 days is still applicable for wire transfers being sent through RepublicOnline.

Q:What do I need to send a wire transfer?


Similar to in-branch requests for Wire transfers, customers will require the following information to submit wire transfers via RepublicOnline: ABA number, Swift Code, Routing No./ Transit No./Sort Code, Beneficiary Name & Address, Beneficiary Bank & Branch, Beneficiary Address, Country

Q: How do loan payments work on RepublicOnline?


Customers will have two options for loan payments:

  1. Loan Payment – This is a regular monthly instalment amount. The amount paid will reduce the overall outstanding balance on the loan.
  2. Principal Payment – an amount determined by customer, which will be applied to the principal of the Loan and is considered an additional payment. This is a separate payment to the customer’s monthly installment.
Q: What is a business site?


A business site refers to the company’s internet banking profile.

Q: What is the role of the Site Administrator?


The Site Administrator manages the company’s RepublicOnline site/account and has the authority to assign rights and permissions to themselves, establish other company users and assign rights and permissions to these.

Q: Can a business site have more than one Site Administrator?


Yes. A business site can have more than one site administrator, however the second site administrator will have to be created by the initial site administrator.

Q: Can the site administrator be removed or disabled?


Requests for the removal or disabling of a site administrator must be submitted to the bank. The company will need to advise of the new site administrator when making the request. This request must be authorised by the company’s directors

Q: Can Internet Banking be used for Salary payments?


Corporate clients will now have one platform to conduct their daily transactions as well as salary payments. Customers may choose the option of creating the salary file within the internet banking application or using the file upload option.

Q: Can files be uploaded to the new RepublicOnline?


Yes. Salary and Supplier payment files can be uploaded to RepublicOnline provided that they are in the required format.

Q: What information do I need to create my salary or supplier file?


For salary or supplier files the following information is required for all beneficiaries: Beneficiary Name, Beneficiary Bank , Account Type, Account Number, Payment Amount. All beneficiaries must have local currency accounts.

Q: Is there a maximum number of entries that can be uploaded when using the file upload?


There is no maximum number of beneficiaries that can be added to the salary/supplier file when using the file upload option.

Q: How long after processing my payroll/supplier payment files will the beneficiaries receive the funds?


Republic Bank beneficiaries will receive their payments immediately, while other Local bank beneficiaries will receive their payments by the end of the business day, once submitted before 3:30 p.m.

Q: Would I be able to access my joint account on RepublicOnline?


Customers with joint accounts, that require more than one signature for transactions will have view only access to the joint accounts. For joint accounts that require only one signature for transactions, all account holders will be able to view and conduct transactions via RepublicOnline.

Q: How do I access the Mobile App?


To access the Mobile App, download the app from the App store or Google Play on your mobile device. Retail users are not required to sign up for internet banking to utilise the mobile app. Corporate users must sign up for internet banking before being able to use the mobile app.

Q: Can corporate customers use the Mobile App?


Yes. The Republic Mobile App will be available for both corporate and retail users.

Q: Can I do the same transactions on the Mobile App that I do on Internet Banking?


There are some exceptions to the transactions that can be done on the app:

  • Retail users cannot do the following transactions on the app:
    • Add beneficiaries
    • International Transfers
    • Multiple Transfers
    • Utility Payments
  • Corporate users cannot do the following transactions on the app:
    • Add beneficiaries
    • International Transfers
    • Multiple Transfers
    • Utility Payments
    • Payroll payments
    • Supplier payments
Q: Can I access my Mobile app overseas?


Yes. The Mobile app is not restricted to the Eastern Caribbean territories and is accessible in any country or location that has internet or WIFI access.

RepublicMobile App

Download the App
and Bank on the Go!

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RepublicOnline St. Maarten - Banking online, anywhere, anytime... (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6448

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.