President Romney, anyone? (2024)

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  • By Ivan MooreThe Moore Report
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  • Perversion
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  • Lgbt Rights
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  • hom*osexuality
  • Marriage
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  • Politics Of The United States

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Dear Wasilla Reader, of course the definition of marriage is under attack, where have you been? In the USA marriage has always been between one man and one woman. This was the primary reason the mormans gave up poligamy so that Utah could be admitted as a state.

Don't you find it fascinating that this small paper in an extremely conservative Mat-Su continues to print article after article on or about hom*osexuals? Anchorage which is much more liberal than the Mat-Su just said overwhelmingly that they reject this non sense, as did the entire state of North Carolina, yet the media continues to promote just the opposite. Clearly something is wrong with this picture. Can you explain why hom*osexuals want to hide behind the word gay? Or the latest "transgender" which nobody seems to be able to define? Wouldn't honesty be better. Just as when someone spouts off that hom*osexuals can't get married when if you look at the form clearly someones sexual practices are no where on it. The requirements are the same for everyone. That is why this "rights issue" is a non starter. No ones rights are being denied anywhere in this country.

Wasilla Reader

Ford, why does anybody feel the need to vote to "protect traditional marriage"? It isn't under attack. Nobody is trying to keep straight people from getting or staying married, not even the gay people that want to get married.

Everybody get all the hate, anger and venom out of their system now? Feel better?, I didn't think so....

And people wonder why the country is so split these days


Dear Tired, we are growing tired of your willful ignorance and attempted lies. You do not understand what a license is that much is clear. No one has a voting license, that would be unconstitutional. Voting is a right.

What I find absolutely facinating about this entire article is that Moore and the left are trying to convince us that hom*osexuality is becoming more and more acceptable at a time when increasingly the people of the the Nation are voting faster than ever to protect marriage in the State Constitutions. Clearly the momentum is towards protecting traditional marriage, so why all the lies? Are we to believe pollsters with their personal agendas, or the ultimate poll, the outcome of the votes of the people? The vast majority of the people have voted to protect traditional marriage in this nation. This trend will continue as the people get more and more feed up with an extreme agenda being pushed by sexual deviants.

Tired of the lies

Ford- First, I do have a voting license in my wallet, my voter registration card. You can not simply vote, you must register for your vote to legally count. In fact you must also have a valid photo ID, so in actuality, voting requires a two step process to be legally recognized.

Second, if you are defending your arguement with the fact that hom*osexuals can get married as long as it is to someone of the opposite sex, you are just trying to intentionally muddle the discussion. This state has a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage, so no hom*osexuals can not marry thier partners. What you are suggesting is that a gay man has the right to get married as long as it is to a woman and as such is not discriminated against. Are you so hom*ophobic that even the thought of a mature discussion scares you? Or are you just using the misdirection to avoid actually saying what you implie with your previous comments, that hom*osexuality is an abomination and gays don't deserve any rights as long as they are gay?

Third, clarify this for me, if I pay for a mining permit, I have the RIGHT to mine, but if I pay for a Marriage License I only have the priviledge to marry? I think it would be good to get a solid grasp on your logic before you attempt to argue a point.

Until you can come up with a solid arguement that addresses the subject rationally, you should just go play on another page and let the adults talk.


You can view the application here:


Wow....what an amazingly tantrum-ridden, whining, spitting, eye-rolling, hair-pulling, teeth-gnashing, foot-stomping "article". Hurt himself more than helped his cause with this piece.


Dear Tired, your ignorance is showing again. Clearly you do not understand that if you have the right to do something there can be no license or fee applied. You have a right to vote if you have the qualifications. Do you get a voting license? No. Same for the right to keep and --- arms, you don't purchase a license so you can have arms in your home, nor to --- them as you move around the state. Why?, because you have a right to do the activity.

Also you are wrong on the wording of getting a license to marry. Heterosixuality is not required anywhere on the application (you should read it) As you will see there are no questions about ones exuality anywhere on the form. Because of this there is no discrimination, hom*osixuals can in fact marry. They simply must fulfill the other requirements. They must be of proper age, they must not be blood relatives closer than 1st cousins, and one must be a Groom and the other a Bride. So as anyone can see everyone is treated equally , and everyone has the same set of requirements. Does this mean we discriminate against close relatives? No, they can marry, just not each other. So don’t buy into the lie that omo-exuals can’t get married in Alaska, it just isn’t so!

Oh and by the way it is not a right because you have to ask permission and get a license [wink]

Tired of the lies

Ford- As a matter of fact I do know the difference between a right and a priviledge. Correct me if I am wrong but I do believe in a previous discussion you stated the buying a permit from the State did make something a "right".

In the context of this discussion, your statement that no one has the right to marry, you are dead wrong. Any non-related, heterosexual man or woman in this country can not be denied the legal ability to join in a civil partnership. If I go down to the courthouse and file for a marriage license they can not say no, even if I was a convicted felon on death row.

Your comments on the topic are showing an ignorant bigotry to the subject.

Tired of the lies

Bluecollar- Thank you for that well thought out and articulated response. I agree with most of what you said, especially the last paragraph. I would also like to comment on your statement about some of the hom*osexuals who flaunt thier differences. Unfortunately we see this in many social issues such as the anti abortion supporters, while many people may not agree to the legalities of abortion rights, most of them are not out picketing clinics or taking it a step further and hurting doctors or destroying property. Every side has extremists and I often think that many of the flambouyant hom*osexuals do more to hurt thier own cause then to help it.

I have also known a few hom*osexuals in my life and none of them wanted to be singled out as different. What they wanted was not to lose thier jobs or be evicted from thier homes because they were gay. In regards to marriage, most of the problems lie in the fact that in having a long term, commited relationship, they are denied the ability to function in a legal capacity as most of us would in a hetero relationship. End of life care, property rights after death of a partner, insurance, etc.

As for the state of the Union itself, I also agree with almost everything you say with the exception about taxes and entitlements. In regards to taxes any working person pays upward of 12% in payroll taxes, which in turns generates roughly 40% of tax revenue. Even if the worker gets a tax refund on thier income taxes they are still contibuting 12% of thier income to unrefundable taxes. As an investor who earns an income solely on dividends you would only pay 15% income tax with numerous loopholes to lower that rate. In the end even if I recieved all of my income taxes back in a return, I would still be taxed only 3% less than Warren Buffet.

As for entitlements, I truely believe that they play a vital role in keeping our most vunerable citizens safe. I see the problem not in the programs, but in the citizens who abuse them. Social Security and Medicare help keep our elderly and disabled from destitution, Food Stamps and Medicaid keeps our nieghbors and unemployed from going without food and medicine when times are hard. We give these things to other countries to make us feel better, yet we villianize those at home who use them. I for one would rather see my tax dollars go to feed people in my community then go to feed the North Koreans.

Again thank you for the dialog, I appreciate an intellegent debate.


Dear Tired, don't you know the difference between a right and a priviledge? No right comes with fees and licenses, priviledges do. There is no "Right to Marry" for anyone in Alaska, wake up. No one is being denied any equal rights, period. The hom*osexual issue is all based on fraud and deception.


I believe the federal government has become oppressive. It’s become oppressive in its size, its infringement of citizens rights, and its interference with state autonomy. It regulates almost every aspect of our lives. How much more expansion of power do we want the government to have?

Economy controls social progress. At this stage in our nation's history, over 40 percent of our citizens do not pay taxes while 1 percent of elite bankers, brokers and corporate lobbies, in collusion with politicians, control the business of government. To compensate for the inadequacies and corruption, government creates entitlements, asset relief programs and attempts to spend our way out of debt mounting in the trillions. The laborer and producer middle-class shoulders the load.

We've transitioned from a country of independent freemen to special interest groups claiming distinct rights and victimization. Over 50 percent of marriages culminate in divorce and our government rewards irresponsible parents with social benefits. The value of a nuclear family has been replaced with the glamorization of promiscuity and self. Self-responsibility substituted with selfishness. There are many things to be grateful for, but we do have some very serious cultural problems. I do not believe that Barack Hussein Obama possesses the character, trust or integrity to lead the way.

“I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

Obviously this column has swayed to the subject of same sex rights. You questioned my values in a sincere way, so I will respond.

The universe is evident with anomalies. hom*osexuality, in my opinion, is an interesting phenomena. I'm not a genetic scientist nor a psycho-analyst but I have observed a biological nature to this behavior from hom*osexuals I know. I think the confusion is caused by other self-proclaimed hom*osexuals that seemed to have made it a life-style choice. Many of them appear to be obsessed with their sexuality or use it to pursue aggressive sexual self-gratification and flagrant exhibition. That being said, I've come to the conclusion that a segment of this population is genuinely gay.

In response to your reference of my religious view on equality, I can only respond by saying I am a Christian and don't belong to a church. I do believe in the separation of church and state. I also believe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ is the most significant revelation this world has ever experienced. Despite what some say, He was a spiritual teacher, not a political or social activist. His teachings used analogies of a common universal pattern of parent and child, the complimentary relationship of men and women, sons and daughters. How hom*osexuals fit into the universal scheme of things, I can only respond by acknowledging how He taught us to treat others. I'm sure there's a lesson in all this.

In regard to the legality of same sex relationships, that needs to be interpreted at a national judicial level based on constitutional law. From a layman's perspective, I would venture to say that these unions will be made legal, not in spite of religious morals, but in favor of civil contract and the basic premise of freedom of will.

Tired of the lies

Bluecollar- Please explain your thoughts on this being an election about independence and cultural values. As I have always understood this is a country built on the foundation of personal freedom and equality. I may have mistakenly interpreted your post but it seems to me that you are trying to say that you think it is time that the religious right rules this country. Where in your idea of cultural values do personal freedoms and equality come into play? Are these cultural values your values or mine or Romney's?

I think as freedom loving, opinionated, patriots we have a responsibility to remember to include the facts. In this arguement I think the facts boil down to this, why is one group of Americans being denied equal rights under the eyes of the law. Privately no one is saying you have to be gay or support the idea of hom*osexuality, if you own a private business you have the right to refuse service to anyone, churches have the right to refuse to let hom*osexuals preach, marry or even attend. Publicly (i.e. in the eyes of the government) each of us are gifted by our Constitution with the right to be EQUAL, and the descrimination clause of the Equal Opportunity statues say you can not discriminate against people for sexual orientation, not partially discriminate. Being married in the eyes of the law comes with all sorts of benefits, I have been married for years, so I know.

This arguement about the legality and equality is in support of gay marriage, simply by the fact that you must go down and petition the State for a Marriage License and pay a fee to the court to be legally recognized. No where in that legal process does it say I have to be married by any religious rituals or representatives, which refutes the "religious" arguement. In the eyes of the law all "marriages" should be civil unions.



We are on the same page on this one, your views are right on! Why are the hom*osexuals trying to bring their private lives into the public arena? Makes no sense to me.


Wasilla Reader, you must be confused, hom*osexuals have the EXACT same set of rights that non hom*osexuals have. No one has the right to marry someone of the same sex, never has in any civilized society. Just as no one has the right to marry more than one person at a time, nor the right to marry within there own family etc.

I couldn't agree more that what someone does in there personal life between consenting adults is none of our business so why are the hom*osexuals trying to bring their private lives into the public arena? Makes no sense to me.

Wasilla Reader

Ford, Alaska's two most common pollsters are Moore, whose bias you have correctly identified as being to the left, and Dittman, who is clearly biased to the right. It probably isn't wise for either of them to express strong political opinions or donate to political races (as I've seen on APOC reports) as it gives the perception of tainted results.

However, as long as their polls are designed properly to be neutral, either one's results should be in the ballpark.

As to "special" rights, I take seriously the personal freedoms, rights, and responsibilities so many of our men and women in uniform (gays as well as straights) have fought and died for, and can see no reason why all shouldn't have the same rights. Since a legal marriage conveys certain advantages that gay and lesbian people are not currently allowed, it would seem that it is straight couples that enjoy "special" rights.

It is sad commentary that as a society we have felt the need to pass the 14th amendment and other laws against discrimination of others, but unfortunately, there are those who want their rights, and their freedoms, but don't believe in respecting the rights and freedoms of others, and must be compelled to do so.

If the shoe were on the other foot, I can't imagine either of us reacting well to being told that being straight is unnatural or shameful, never mind that we were born this way, or that we were condemned to eternal damnation because somebody else's religion didn't favor our particular interpretations of Christianity.

The best way to get back to the economy is to agree that what goes on in the personal lives of consenting adults is really none of our business.


MtMike I think that since you and I agree on the importance of getting a real leader in the White house, shows just how much of a failure the current administration is. They have doubled our debt and have nothing to show for it.


Mr. Moore, I hope for the sake of this country and it's constitution you are emphatically or at least probably correct. Whether this same sex issue is a ploy to detour the public focus from more critical problems or a desperate attempt by a failing president to rasp votes from emotional fence straddlers, it doesn't change his record of abusing the office of president and loathsome hypocrisy.

Many of us understand this is an election for independence and cultural values. The consequences of a predator economy will be suffered regardless. Your darn right I'll vote for the straight guy that's a little 'square' over the trendy hope and change 'dude' that has intentionally divided this country. Obama, anyone??


"President Romney, anyone?" Sounds good to me.


Well stated FORD (imagine that!)[beam]


I could give a rats hairy behind what people do in the privacy of their own home, as long as it doesn't involve children. I have a serious problem with the perverted sickness being shoved down my throat on a daily basis, it's in your face, and needs to stop! Schools teaching that this type of behavior is anything other than wrong also needs to come to a stop! This is just a small part of political correctness that is destroying our country. Substitution of words to sanitize and change the meaning and make certain things more tolerable or palatable is transforming our country. It's time to start calling a spade a spade, and stand up for what you believe in. As for the perverts, God knows who they are, and they will be judged by him.


This is a fascinating column. One it shows the bias of a pollster who is supposed to be unbiased. This explains why Ivan is wrong so often with his predictions. Two it is yet another article on the wonderfulness of hom*osexuals. This is very curious to me, one of the majority conservatives living in the conservative center of a very conservative state, Alaska. Hardly a week can go by that this paper doesn't put out some type of pro hom*osexual article, seems like their number one agenda since changing editors. Three it misses the entire point of the next election which is the ECONOMY STUPID!! Obama has been an economic disaster and everyone knows it especially those who are tired of being out of work, underemployed, or flat unemployed. They are tired of hearing that the number one issue of this administration is whether or not hom*osexuals should be granted special rights, and treated as if they are some type of legitimate minority.

Obama can't leave office fast enough for my taste. And it's not just his stance on gay marriage, it is all the other things he has or hasn't done during his presidency.

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President Romney, anyone? (2024)


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