Postgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education in orthodontics: A cross-sectional qualitative study (2024)



To investigate postgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distanceeducation on a three-year programme in orthodontics.


Cross-sectional qualitative study.


UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London.


A total of 25 current postgraduate orthodontic students in the first, secondand third years of training were included in this study.


Postgraduate student perceptions were obtained by conducting online focusgroups on Zoom Video Communications Inc. A focus group topic guide wasdeveloped, and a facilitator was trained to host the focus groups. Therewere separate focus groups for each year group, with a maximum of fiveparticipants in each group. The focus groups were audio recorded andtranscribed verbatim. The transcripts were assessed by all members of theresearch team and analysed using a thematic content analysis, with aframework approach to identify themes and subthemes regarding perceptions ofdistance and face-to-face education.


A total of 25 students participated. Six key themes were identified relatingto student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education: (1) socialsupport network; (2) technology; (3) learning experience; (4) educationenvironment; (5) interpersonal interactions; and (6) effectiveteaching/learning. There were perceived benefits and drawbacks for bothmodes of teaching delivery. In particular, students highlighted theimportance of reliable technology, peer support and accessibility ofeducational resources for their academic learning. Students favoured ablended approach to learning where practical skills were taught in personand some theoretical aspects taught remotely.


The results aid the understanding of how educational tools and digitaltechnology can enrich the student academic experience. The results provideimportant information for the future development and delivery of orthodonticpostgraduate education.

Keywords: distance education, face-to-face education, orthodontic education, postgraduate student


The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruption to educational systems worldwide,resulting in closures of schools, colleges and higher education institutions. Due tothe need to control the spread of coronavirus, these institutions had to relyincreasingly and, in some cases, exclusively, on digital tools and remote methods oflearning in a synchronous and asynchronous manner to deliver their educationalprogrammes. With the suspension of face-to-face teaching and resultant changes tothe methods of teaching delivery, it was important that the quality of studenteducation was maintained and impacts on academic learning minimised. There was anonus on educators to adapt rapidly to ensure that they provided the necessaryinformation to students in an online format without compromising their teachingstandards or quality of teaching.

With regard to orthodontics, educators have traditionally relied on face-to-facelectures in a didactic format (Chadwick et al., 2002). Interestingly, Rao and colleagues (2020) conducted asystematic review to investigate the use of e-learning in orthodontic graduateeducation and noted that with newer advances in technology and students who are‘digital natives’, methods of knowledge delivery need to be reassessed inorthodontic training. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtably provided a catalyst forthe restructuring of educational systems and, going forward, it is essential thatthis momentum is sustained to ensure that the new educational model is of an optimalstandard for students.

There have been limited studies that have investigated student perspectives ofdistance education in postgraduate dentistry compared with face-to-face education(Kunin et al., 2014;Rosenbaum et al.,2012). At present, most of the research in this emerging area isquantitative and questionnaire-based and does not provide a full understanding ofthe reasons behind the perceptions about different modes of teaching (Dost et al., 2020).

It is therefore imperative to investigate this area to aid understanding and improvethe delivery of orthodontic programmes for students. In addition, research in thisarea will help aid the understanding of how educational tools and digital technologycan be used to enrich the student experience and will provide invaluable informationto educational institutions, to help shape the future development of orthodonticpostgraduate education both nationally and internationally.

The aim of this study was to investigate postgraduate student perceptions offace-to-face and distance education in orthodontics and to determine the mosteffective and engaging methods of teaching to provide students with an optimaleducation experience.

Material and methods

This qualitative study investigated postgraduate student perceptions of face-to-faceand distance education in orthodontics at one UK dental school. Ethical approval wasgranted by University College London (UCL) Research Ethics Committee (18239/001) andthe project was registered with the UCL Data Protection Office. A Data SharingAgreement was signed with a professional transcription company to meet GDPRrequirements.

Participants were recruited from the Orthodontic Department in a large postgraduateteaching hospital in the United Kingdom. Before commencing recruitment, the studywas introduced during departmental staff meetings and it was explained thatpotential participants would be contacted individually by the research team to askif they would be happy to consider participating in the study; however, it wasstressed that participation was voluntary and they did not have to take part if theydid not feel comfortable doing so. Anyone who did not wish to be contacted in thisway was asked to let the lead investigator know. Individual invitation emails weresubsequently sent to all postgraduate orthodontic students (n=30) on the three-yearprogramme of study who had received both face-to-face and distance education betweenMarch 2020 and January 2021; email addresses were available from the existingdepartmental staff/postgraduate lists. The aim was to include students from allthree year groups, representing different genders and national/internationaleducational backgrounds. All potential participants were asked to respond to theemail to confirm whether they were happy to take part in the study. In total, 25students agreed to participate in the focus groups; there were five students whowere unable to participate due to illness scheduling conflicts or time zonedifferences. After confirmation of their wish to participate, participants wereasked to complete and return a signed consent form.

Postgraduate student perceptions were investigated through online focus groups onZoom Video Communications, Inc. (Zoom) and facilitated by the researcher (OJK) whounderwent focus group facilitation training and undertook practice interviews withthe senior researchers. The researchers felt that there were potential benefits tousing an ‘insider’ facilitator for the focus groups; the facilitator had thoroughknowledge of the academic programme, an ability to draw on experience when probingduring the focus groups, and there was a willingness and openness of participants todiscuss issues with a familiar facilitator, which optimised the data yield.

A topic guide was developed by the project investigators to guide the discussions inthe focus groups, explore perceptions of face-to-face and distance education, and toensure adequate coverage of key topics. An initial draft of the topic guide wasdeveloped based on a thorough review of the literature in this area as well as basedon the aims of the study and the aspects of orthodontic education, which theresearchers intended to explore. The topic guide commenced with an introduction toset the context for the focus group discussion and consisted of four sections withquestions about traditional face-to-face education, distance education, a comparisonof the two teaching methods and assessments. Following the practice interviews, thetopic guide was amended and during the focus group interview process the guide wasmodified if previously unidentified, but pertinent, topics emerged. The topic guidewas not rigidly followed in this order, but all aspects were covered, and the orderadapted according to the flow of the focus groups.

Participants were grouped according to their year of training to ensure they feltcomfortable in the focus group environment. The focus groups were recorded locallyon Zoom and the audio recordings were transcribed by a professional transcriptioncompany with any identifiers removed. There were seven focus groups and the groupsizes were in the range of 3–5 participants, as the researchers felt this was areasonable number of participants to manage in an online focus group.

A content thematic analysis using the Framework method was used to analyse the data,based on the methodology developed by the National Centre for Social Research (Ritchie and Spencer,1994). The identification of themes and subthemes was conducted by threeresearchers (OJK, FR, SJC) independently; all three researchers read and reread thetranscripts and agreed on the themes and subthemes. Each of the themes werecolour-coded and grouped to allow for comparison and checking. Quotes from thetranscripts were inserted into Microsoft Excel; each theme was allocated a separateworksheet and the column represented the subthemes. Each student was allocated a rowand the relevant quote from the transcripts was entered in the relevant cell inExcel; this method allows researchers to track findings, helping ensure that linksbetween the original data and findings are maintained and transparent.


In total, 25 postgraduate students were recruited, including 15 UK and 10international trainees, representing 83% of trainees on the programme (Table 1). The timing ofthe focus groups was such that it was possible to include two cohorts of third-yearstudents: those who finished their orthodontic training in summer 2020 and thosecompleting training in summer 2021. The focus group interviews lasted 51–81minutes.

Table 1.

Demonstrating student participants according to year group.

Year groupNo. of traineesUK studentsInternational studentsYear of training completion

Open in a new tab

From the analysis, six themes were identified and within each theme there wereseveral subthemes (Table2). The results are presented using direct verbatim quotes fromparticipants (e.g. P1 = participant 1) to support the identified themes andsubthemes.

Table 2.

Demonstrating the main themes and subthemes from the transcripts.

Main themesSubthemes
Social support networkBonding with peersPeer supportSocial interaction
TechnologyUnpredictability of technologyHardware and software requirementsFinancial implications
ExperienceAccessibilityConvenienceDiversity (of educator pool, of location)Efficiency
Education environmentFamiliaritySetting
Effective teaching and learningPeer learningPractical skills learningTheoretical learning
InteractionsExposure (can lead to feelings of vulnerability)Physical presenceImmediacy (engagement, interactions, practical skills)Impact on teacher-student relationship

Social support network

This theme related to the importance of social interaction and bonding betweenstudents as part of their educational experience. There were three subthemesidentified.

Bonding with peers

Students explained that the distance education format made it more difficultto connect with their peers and build rapport as they could not get to knoweach other as well.

The disadvantage of distance learning is that you don’t getto actually speak to people, so you don’t get to know them aswell.’ (P2)

Peer support

Students explained that peer support provided benefits such as being able tohave informal discussions and ‘bouncing ideas’ off each other.

‘It’s really beneficial to have face-to-face teaching, see mypeers and have informal discussions. When we’re doing Zoomteaching, we don’t really get that opportunity.’(P12)

Social interaction

Students discussed the difficulty of socialising online and some felt thatthe distance education format was a hindrance to social interaction.

I think it’s important to have that social element to theteaching which you totally lose from it being online.’(P23)


In this theme, some students discussed the negative impacts of technology ontheir education as it could sometimes be unpredictable; there were no positiveaspects discussed in relation to technology. There were three subthemes.

Unpredictability of technology

The unpredictability of technology was highlighted as a significantdisadvantage of distance education. The problems raised were either relatedto the instability of Internet connections or laptop problems, both of whichaffected the quality of distance teaching sessions.

One thing we experienced during these online lectures isthat the quality of teaching always depends on the quality ofthe Internet connection.’ (P20)

Hardware and software requirements

Some students explained that they needed to upgrade their hardware andsoftware to facilitate learning in a distance format.

“You need to make sure you’ve got the correct apps andcorrect technology in order to do virtual learning”

Financial implications

Some students reported a financial burden, as they had to invest in newequipment in order to participate effectively in online teaching.

My laptop was slow anyway, so it doesn’t matter, but Iforked out two thousand pounds to buy a new laptop.’(P25)


There were four subthemes that were identified within this theme.


Accessibility of materials and resources was an important subtheme thatarose. Students noted that a key benefit of distance education was beingable to access educational material at any time.

I love that we have the recordings, and we can access themwhenever we want, we can make notes at our convenience, I reallylove having the theory part online.’ (P8)


One perceived downside of face-to-face education was the need to commute inorder to access the education, making this form of teaching lessconvenient.

Commuting is a bit of an issue with face-to-face teaching,especially if you’ve got multiple trains you have totake.’ (P12)


Distance education also allowed for diversity of the educator pool; somestudents explained that online teaching provides an opportunity to getbetter access to external lecturers.

Now we’re doing things online, there’s more of anopportunity to get external lecturers, even if it’s from otherUK hospitals.’ (P12)


Several students expressed that they found distance education more efficientthan face-to-face teaching as they did not have to waste time travelling andtherefore had more time to prepare for teaching sessions.

I also feel like I have more time to prepare because I’m nottravelling.’ (P4)

Education environment

The environment in which students were receiving education also arose as animportant theme and there were two subthemes that arose within this theme.


Some students commented on the benefits of being able to study in familiarenvironments such as their own home; they explained that learning from homeprovided a more comfortable environment.

When you’re in the comfort of your own home you can actuallykind of take breaks and digest a bit more.’ (P25)


For some students, being in a formal teaching setting such as a lecturetheatre was beneficial for their concentration but, in contrast, othersfound it beneficial to be doing online teaching at home as this improvedtheir concentration.

I know it’s cosy at home but sometimes I just can’t bebothered to log into Zoom, whereas if I’m sat in a lecturetheatre it just feels like I’m there to learn rather than justbe at home.’ (P4)

‘I find that I concentrate better when it’s online teaching,I think it’s because I’m just looking at the screen and there’sno distractions.’ (P10)

Effective teaching and learning

In this theme students expressed the importance of learning from their peers, thelimitations of learning practical skills online and the benefits of learningtheoretical content in a distance format.

Peer learning

Students highlighted that learning from their peers was an important part ofthe education process and some felt that face-to-face education was betterat facilitating peer learning than distance education.

I think face-to-face teaching is easier for peer-to-peerlearning because you can ask colleagues’ advicestraightaway.’ (P10)

Practical skills learning

Students across all three year groups discussed the difficulty of learningpractical skills in a distance format and strongly felt that orthodonticpractical skills teaching had to be face-to-face.

It’s the hindrance that online teaching presents itself…youcan’t really assess practical skills, you can’t really developpractical skills.’ (P18)

Theoretical learning

In general, students felt that theoretical and didactic teaching was taughtwell in a distance format and felt it was equally as effective astheoretical face-to-face teaching.

All the theoretical ones that we’ve had so far, I’m morethan happy with them online, actually I’m more happy with theonline than I am with the face-to-face.’ (P7)


Students discussed the importance of human interactions in their educationalexperience and there were four subthemes identified within this theme.


Some students said they felt more self-conscious and less ‘comfortable’ beingonline as they felt more exposed, especially if a teaching session was beingrecorded. Due to this, they were less likely to ask questions during anonline teaching episode.

If I was really struggling with a topic, I don’t know howcomfortable I would feel to bring that up with anybody ina teaching session virtually.’ (P22)

Physical presence

Several students commented on the importance of physical presence in theeducation experience; students felt it was easier to interpret the bodylanguage of educators and fellow students when in a face-to-facesetting.

It’s easier to ask questions face-to-face than it is online,because you’re maintaining eye contact with the teacher, theteacher can gauge when you don’t quite understandsomething.’ (P2)


Interestingly, students commented on the differences in engagement andinteraction with the different teaching methods and some students noted thatthey were less interactive online.

For me it doesn’t really work very well online because youdon’t get that immediate feedback from people and people areless likely to discuss as we would face-to-face.’(P3)

Impact on teacher–student relationship

In general, students felt that face-to-face teaching was beneficial fornurturing the teacher–student relationship as it made them feel moreconnected to educators.

I prefer face-to-face because the environment is moreencouraging when it comes to the teacher/studentrelationship.’ (P5)

Preferred teaching methods

At the end of each focus group, each participant was asked which teaching method theypreferred: face-to-face, blended or distance learning; the majority of studentsexpressed a preference for a blended approach and wanted this method to be used forthe orthodontic programme going forwards. Participants commented that they founddistance teaching more time efficient and it allowed them more time to prepare forteaching sessions as they did not need to travel to access that teaching. Themajority of students expressed that they wanted the online format of teaching tocontinue for theoretical orthodontic topics; however, they felt strongly thatpractical skills needed to be taught using a face-to-face approach. These findingshighlighted the benefits of a blended approach and a hybrid teaching model,utilising the benefits of both modes of teaching delivery to provide an optimallearning experience for students.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for the inevitable cultural transformationof the educational system and the circumstances have given rise to an enhancedhybrid model of education involving face-to-face and distance education. As thismodel of education has developed, going forward it is crucial to determine the bestteaching methods to improve curricula and to maximise the benefits of bothface-to-face and distance education. Thus far, there has been limited research toassess student perceptions of distance and face-to-face teaching in orthodontics andthere is a clear need to conduct research in this area. This study therefore adds tothe evidence base in this area.

Six themes were identified from the analysis of the focus groups. With regard to thefirst theme, social support network, students explained that the distance educationformat made it more difficult for them to bond with their peers and they could notget to know each other as well. Harasim and colleagues (1995) found that the establishment of socialbonds has important cognitive and socio-effective benefits for learning.Interestingly, Alqurashi(2019) found that socialising and interactions between students had apositive impact on student satisfaction and the perceived effectiveness of onlinelearning. The present study supports previous findings that social interaction is animportant aspect in the delivery of education and is easier to achieve in aface-to-face format.

Technology was the second theme and, within this, students reported that technologymay be unreliable which could negatively impact on their education where distanceteaching was being provided. This was also experienced by undergraduate dentalstudents in Indonesia in a study by Amir et al. (2020). In addition, researchfound that an unstable Internet connection was a barrier to distance learning for21.53% of UK medical students (Dost et al., 2020). In the present study, students across all three yeargroups discussed the benefits of being able to access pre-recorded lectures onlineas it allowed them to review educational material at the time of their choosing.Recording lectures and maintaining their availability online may therefore helpcounteract any technological difficulties faced by students during onlinesynchronous sessions; however, this issue clearly remains one of the reallimitations of distance learning.

The educational experience was discussed in relation to accessibility of educationalresources, the convenience of accessing education without commuting, diversity ofthe educator pool and time efficiency. A reported benefit of distance education wasstudents being able to access and review educational material at a time of theirchoosing. A reported strength of the virtual learning environment for orthodonticpostgraduate students in a previous study also included the improved access toresources and ability to interact with the programme regardless of distance (Shah and Cunningham,2009). These findings were also supported by Rad and co-workers (2021) whoreported that online education made resources more accessible for dentalstudents.

In the ‘education environment’ theme, there was no clear consensus about the besteducation setting. For some students, working from home in a distance format wasbeneficial for their concentration and for others face-to-face teaching in atraditional lecture setting improved their concentration. In the literature, thereis also no clear consensus as individual circumstances and preferences clearly playa key role (Grimes, 2002;Rad et al., 2021);and it is likely that the education setting will always pose a challenge foreducators, and this could be the reason why blended courses where there is acombination of face-to-face and distance education are viewed favourably bystudents.

In the ‘effective teaching and learning’ theme, students discussed peer learning,practical skills teaching and theoretical teaching. In general, students felt thatpeer learning was facilitated in a face-to-face setting. The consensus from studentswith regard to practical skills was that these could only be taught effectivelyface-to-face. This is supported by other studies investigating medical and dentalstudent perspectives on distance and face-to-face learning (Dost et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). In the present study,the majority of students expressed that they would like the online format ofteaching to continue for theoretical orthodontic topics and replace face-to-faceteaching in these areas; this finding was also similar to the study by Schlenz et al. (2020) whofound that dental students wanted approximately half of their theoretical teachingto be online in the future.

In the final theme, interactions, several students expressed that online teachingcould make them feel exposed and vulnerable, which prevented some from askingquestions during the teaching session. Some students found they were lessinteractive online, and this format made them feel disconnected; this highlights theimportance of ensuring educators are aware of this and are able to manage theseaspects of teaching with sensitivity. Grimes (2002) also reported that theface-to-face classroom allowed the discussion of specific student questions, butthis was not as easy in a distance format. In addition, Grimes found that 69% ofdental assistants and dental hygiene students reported feeling detached from thefaculty and other students with distance education. Varvara and co-workers (2021) noted thatdental students found interactivity challenging with distance education as there waslittle possibility for discussion. Students in the present study found thatface-to-face teaching was beneficial to nurture a relationship between students andeducators. McCann et al.(2010) concluded that although students found that electronic materialscan enhance learning, they wanted face-to-face contact with faculty and expressedthat electronic resources should not replace faculty interaction.

The present study has the advantage of having included both UK-based andinternational orthodontic trainees in order to ensure a breadth of opinions, whichenhanced generalisability and wider transferability of results. In addition,students were recruited from all three year groups in order to obtain opinions fromthose at different stages of training. The authors acknowledged that students fromthe different year groups had varying levels of experience with asynchronous andsynchronous teaching methods on the programme. Despite these differences, theauthors believe that obtaining opinions from students at various stages of trainingprovided a greater diversity of opinions and optimised the data yielded.

As this study was carried out at one postgraduate dental school, the authors areaware that the results may not be applicable to all orthodontic students nationallyand internationally. Future research could therefore be conducted at other dentalinstitutions, including larger cohorts of students, to obtain a broadercross-section of views and make results more generalisable.

The researchers made a decision to use focus groups rather than one-to-one interviewsfor this study; prior research has found that focus groups allow for a greater rangeof discussion between the participants (Schneider et al., 2012). In addition, theinteraction between participants in focus groups generates accounts which may bemore fully articulated and detailed than one-to-one interviews (Wilkinson, 1998). Thereported optimal number of participants for a focus group varies; however, Krueger and Casey (2000)suggested that smaller groups of 6–8 participants have greater potential. For thisstudy, the focus group sizes were in the range of 3–5 participants as theresearchers felt this would be a reasonable number of participants to manage in anonline focus group. As each year group contained 6–9 students, year groups weresubdivided into smaller focus groups for participation in the study. These smallergroups also allowed the researcher (OJK) to accommodate variations in individualstudent timetables. The focus groups took place at a time when students were onlyreceiving distance education due to the national restrictions on face-to-faceeducation with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to note that the timing ofthese focus groups may have impacted on the data collected as the students were notable to have simultaneous face-to-face and distance teaching and therefore it wasnot possible to have a concurrent comparison of the two teaching methods. However,all participants had wide prior experience of face-to-face teaching with which tomake comparisons.

The researchers considered whether to utilise an ‘outsider’ or an ‘insider’ as afacilitator of the focus groups. Insider research studies have been criticised forthe research being ‘too close’ for objectivity (Brannick and Coghlan, 2007). However, thistype of research also has multiple benefits, including having perspective of theculture of the academic programme, ability to draw on understanding and experiencewhen probing during the focus groups, and the willingness of participants to discussissues with someone who understands them (Fleming, 2018). The challenges of insiderresearch include inherent subjectivity, the potential for implicit coercion ofparticipants, potential of professional conflicts and researcher bias (Fleming, 2018). Afterconsidering the advantages and disadvantages, the researchers felt that the benefitsof ‘insider’ facilitator knowledge of the programme structure and participantsoutweighed the perceived disadvantages. To minimise any disadvantages of insiderresearch, the researcher OJK underwent focus group interview training during whichemphasis was put upon remaining neutral and impartial and avoiding the temptation toshare experiences and introduce bias.

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity for cultural transformation of theeducational system and the present circumstances are likely to give rise to furtherdevelopments of the hybrid model of education to maximise the benefits of bothface-to-face and distance education. In light of the findings in this study, theauthors would recommend the following:

  • Educators should ensure a blended learning approach for orthodonticprogrammes; with practical components/skills being taught in a face-to-facesetting but with some of the more theoretical aspects of teaching deliveredremotely.

  • Online libraries of pre-recorded lectures and practical skills videos shouldbe expanded and made available for all students (e.g. via local virtuallearning environments or potentially through the British Orthodontic SocietyVirtual Learning Environment).


This research aids the understanding of how students perceive face-to-face anddistance education in orthodontics and the results provide valuable information forthe future development of orthodontic education.

Although there were challenges noted with distance education, the majority ofstudents felt that blended learning would be their preferred way to engage with theorthodontic curriculum. Several students felt that some of the theoreticalorthodontic subjects could be delivered effectively in a distance format and wouldlike this format to be used going forward but more practical elements of thecurriculum should continue to be delivered in a face-to-face format.

Supplemental Material

sj-docx-1-joo-10.1177_14653125221077108 – Supplemental material forPostgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education inorthodontics: A cross-sectional qualitative study

Click here for additional data file. (19.4KB, docx)

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-joo-10.1177_14653125221077108 for Postgraduatestudent perceptions of face-to-face and distance education in orthodontics: Across-sectional qualitative study by Olivia Johnson King, Fiona Ryan and SusanCunningham in Journal of Orthodontics


The authors thank all the postgraduate students who participated in this study.


Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to theresearch, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/orpublication of this article.

ORCID iD: Olivia Johnson King Postgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education in orthodontics: A cross-sectional qualitative study (1)

Supplemental material: Supplemental material for this article is available online.


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

sj-docx-1-joo-10.1177_14653125221077108 – Supplemental material forPostgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education inorthodontics: A cross-sectional qualitative study

Click here for additional data file. (19.4KB, docx)

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-joo-10.1177_14653125221077108 for Postgraduatestudent perceptions of face-to-face and distance education in orthodontics: Across-sectional qualitative study by Olivia Johnson King, Fiona Ryan and SusanCunningham in Journal of Orthodontics

Postgraduate student perceptions of face-to-face and distance education in orthodontics: A cross-sectional qualitative study (2024)


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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.