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NMS/10 SR C5.0Nokia Network Management System/10

Product Overview

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Product Overview

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only theproduct defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for theuse of Nokia Networks’ customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which thedocument is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form ormeans without the prior written permission of Nokia Networks. The document has beenprepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customerassumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Networks welcomes customer comments aspart of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation.

The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, orperformance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered bindingbut shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia Networks and the customer.However, Nokia Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructionscontained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. NokiaNetworks will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the document.

Nokia Networks’ liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentarycorrection of errors. Nokia Networks WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FORERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of thisdocument or the information in it.

This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright accordingto the applicable laws.

NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation.

Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respectivecompanies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.

Copyright © Nokia Networks Oy 2000. All rights reserved.

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1 About this document............................................................................6

2 Introduction to NMS/10 ........................................................................82.1 System Release overview.......................................................................82.2 NMS/10 system concept.........................................................................92.3 NMS/10 System Frame ........................................................................102.4 Agents ..................................................................................................102.5 Mediators..............................................................................................112.6 Node managers ....................................................................................112.7 GCS and NMS/10 Command Scripting.................................................12

3 Features ..............................................................................................133.1 General features...................................................................................133.2 Remote access.....................................................................................143.2.1 Remote access to NMS/10 System Frame ...........................................143.2.2 Remote access to node managers .......................................................153.3 Performance management ...................................................................153.4 SNMP interface ....................................................................................163.4.1 Downward interface..............................................................................163.4.2 Upward interface ..................................................................................163.5 NMS/10 Command Scripting (RCM) macros ........................................173.6 Q1 network test ....................................................................................173.7 Security ................................................................................................173.7.1 Windows NT security ............................................................................183.7.2 Security in the System Frame...............................................................183.7.3 Agent security.......................................................................................183.7.4 NMS/10 MF and node manager security...............................................18

4 Applications........................................................................................194.1 NMS/10 in mobile networks ..................................................................204.2 Integration with third-party management systems.................................214.3 Stand-alone applications ......................................................................224.4 Managing nodes...................................................................................234.4.1 Managing Synfonet nodes ....................................................................234.4.2 Managing Q1-managed nodes .............................................................244.4.3 Managing SDH radios...........................................................................26

5 NMS/10 System Frame user interface ...............................................285.1 Introduction...........................................................................................285.2 Network maps ......................................................................................295.2.1 Maps ....................................................................................................295.2.2 Submaps ..............................................................................................295.2.3 Symbols................................................................................................295.3 Alarms and events................................................................................315.4 Running node managers ......................................................................32

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5.4.1 Synfonet node managers......................................................................325.4.2 Q1 node managers...............................................................................335.4.3 SDH radio equipment node managers..................................................33

6 NMS/10 SR products ..........................................................................346.1 Sales items...........................................................................................346.1.1 Media....................................................................................................346.1.2 Software licences .................................................................................356.1.3 Printed documentation..........................................................................356.2 Product codes.......................................................................................356.2.1 CD-R Media..........................................................................................356.2.2 HP OpenView NNM products and licences...........................................366.2.3 NMS/10 System Frame licences...........................................................366.2.4 NMS/10 Q3 Agent licences...................................................................366.2.5 NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent licences......................................................376.2.6 NMS/10 MF ..........................................................................................376.2.7 MF Manager licences ...........................................................................386.3 Document product codes......................................................................386.4 Compatibility information.......................................................................396.4.1 Supported Synfonet node types............................................................396.4.2 Supported Nokia SDH radios................................................................396.4.3 Supported Q1 network element management systems.........................396.4.4 Supported node managers ...................................................................40

7 System requirements .........................................................................417.1 General.................................................................................................417.2 Product-specific requirements ..............................................................427.2.1 NMS/10 System Frame PC...................................................................427.2.2 NMS/10 Remote Station .......................................................................427.2.3 NMS/10 Remote Console .....................................................................437.2.4 NMS/10 Q3 Agent ................................................................................437.2.5 NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent....................................................................437.2.6 NERA NEW-NMS .................................................................................437.2.7 NMS/10 MF C2.0..................................................................................437.3 Integration with network-level Nokia NMS.............................................447.4 Network connection and alarm monitoring ............................................447.4.1 Q3 managed nodes (Synfonet) .............................................................447.4.2 NMS/10 MF ..........................................................................................447.4.3 SDH radios ...........................................................................................44

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Summary of changes

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Summary of changes

Document number Date Comment

C33820002SE_00 14 Apr 2000 Valid for programs:

P31159.01, 02, 03 release A

P31159.51, 52, 53 release A

C33820002SE_A0 7 Jun 2000 Valid for programs:

P31159.01, 02, 03 release A

P31159.51, 52, 53 release A

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Product Overview

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1 About this document

This document describes the general features of NMS/10 and is intended foranyone who wishes to get an overview of the functions and operation of theNMS/10 network management application.

This Product Overview covers the following topics:

• Introduction to NMS/10 (Chapter 2)

• Features (Chapter 3)

• Applications (Chapter 4)

• NMS/10 System Frame user interface (Chapter 5)

• NMS/10 SR products (Chapter 6)

• System requirements (Chapter 7)

• Glossary.

Note that the windows shown in this document are examples; the exact contentswill depend on the installed agents and node managers, managed network andits status.

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For further information, refer to the following operating manuals:

• NMS/10 System Release User Manual

• NMS/10 Q3 Agent User Manual

• NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent User Manual

• NMS/10 MF Operating Manual

• MF Manager User’s Manual

• User manuals of the various Nokia node managers

• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation documentation

• Microsoft Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition documentation

• HP OpenView Network Node Manager for Windows NT (HP OpenViewNNM) user documentation

• User documentation of the PCs.

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2 Introduction to NMS/10

This chapter introduces NMS/10, describes the main functions of the systemand its key components, and explains how they work together. It covers thefollowing topics:

• System Release overview (section 2.1)

• NMS/10 system concept (section 2.2)

• NMS/10 System Frame (section 2.3)

• Agents (section 2.4)

• Mediators (section 2.5)

• Node managers (section 2.5)

• GCS and NMS/10 Command Scripting (section 2.7).

2.1 System Release overview

Nokia Network Management System/10 (NMS/10) products are part of theNokia NMS family, which provides management for a network composed ofNokia’s telecommunications products. NMS/10 is an element-levelmanagement system, and can be used either for small transmission networks, oras part of the management solution for larger networks.

The primary function of NMS/10 is to collect alarms and performance data fromthe network devices that are managed by the NMS/10 agents and to present thealarm information to network operations staff. PM data can be post-processedusing external tools.

Interfaces to integrate Nokia NMS/10 with other Nokia NMS products and tothird party network management systems are included with the System Release.

Configuration management of network elements is undertaken by using nodemanagers.

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Introduction to NMS/10

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2.2 NMS/10 system concept

The NMS/10 system concept combines several products to provide a networkoverview and detailed equipment configuration.

NMS/10 System Release consists of a core program, the System Frame,together with separate agents, mediators and node managers. Agents collectalarms and performance data from various network elements. Node managersconfigure the network elements. NMS/10 manages objects that represent:

• Synfonet nodes and areas

• Q1-managed nodes (PDH/Primary Rate Equipment nodes, buses andstations, and Nokia Q1-managed equipment, for example, FIU 19,MetroHopper, FlexiHopper, MetroHub)

• SDH radios (Nokia PowerHopper, NERA CityLink, NERA NL29x),NERA Element vieWer - Network Management Systems (NEW-NMS)and sections.

Figure 1. A simplified NMS/10 configuration

NMS/10 System Frame provides a network-level user interface and databasesystem management. This supports a selection of separate agents and nodemanagers, as required by the configuration of the network. By combiningdifferent programs with NMS/10 System Frame, it is possible to create anintegrated network management system for a range of different networks.

NMS/10 MF C2.0(with MF Agent)

Q3 Agent

Q3 network

Q1 management bus

Windows NT TSE

LAN/WAN connection

Windows NT Workstation



Q1-managed nodes

V.11 connection

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2.3 NMS/10 System Frame

NMS/10 System Frame provides the management system platform. NMS/10System Frame runs on top of Hewlett-Packard’s OpenView Network NodeManager for Windows NT product. HP OpenView NNM has been extended byNokia to provide a generic user interface for networks consisting of Nokia'snetwork elements.

The extension provided by Nokia is what is known as ‘NMS/10 System Frame’.However, when referring to the management system, ‘NMS/10 System Frame’is generally intended to encompass both parts.

2.4 Agents

An agent is a software program that collects alarms and performance data fromnodes on the network. Alarm information is stored for in the 'run-time' memoryof the computer on which the agent is running, and the destination managementsystems are notified via SNMP. Performance data is saved to disk files on theagent computer and it can be separately retrieved via FTP. This kind of an agentcan also be called a proxy agent.

Agents for nodes of various types mediate between these nodes and a networkmanagement system to provide an open interface. Agents can therefore also beused in multi-vendor cases, where integration with other management systemsis needed.

Agents can be configured using an agent configuration tool.

Agent configuration tool

An agent is configured by an agent configuration tool that allows you toundertake some or all of the following:

• Configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP); the agentuses SNMP to communicate with the management system

• Determine the nodes that will be managed by a particular agent

• Configure the destinations to which the agent’s alarm data is sent

• Configure security controls

• Configure node termination points for performance management

• Configure the locations from which a user can view or modify an agent’sconfiguration via SNMP.

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2.5 Mediators

NMS/10 Mediation Function (NMS/10 MF)

NMS/10 MF is used for collecting Q1 alarms and other messages from Nokia’sQ1-managed nodes and mediating between these equipment and a supervisingmanagement system, such as NMS/10 System Frame. NMS/10 MF C2.0 canalso be used as an MF Agent.

NMS/10 MF is also designed to be used as a replacement for Nokia’s TMS4Transmission Management System as it emulates the TMS4 interface for asupervising network management system.

NMS/10 MF is a robust and fault-tolerant subsystem that does not require dailysupervision or maintenance after it has been initially installed and configured. Awatchdog timer in the MF workstation provides automatic recovery frompossible software failures. Thus, NMS/10 MF can also be located onto remotenetwork sites.

The main new features offered by NMS/10 MF C2.0 are: Q1 network test, faultmanagement information transport via an SNMP interface, and support for theenhanced Nokia Q1 protocol.

2.6 Node managers

Node managers are used to configure nodes. They are available for the differenttypes of Synfonet node, Q1-managed node, and SDH radio.

Node managers are independent programs. The System Frame integrates nodemanagers by making them available for launch. This can be done by, forexample, double-clicking a node symbol on a submap.

Node managers can be placed on the same, local computer (except for NMS/10MF and NEW-NMS) as the agents and the System Frame, or they can reside ona remote computer, possibly devoid of other NMS/10 programs.

The only requirement on the remote computers is that they must run theWindows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition (Windows NT TSE), and theNMS/10 System Frame computer must run the Windows NT TSE Clientsoftware. This is so that the user input from the local computer can be receivedand used by the remote computer, and so that the display output from theremote computer reflects back to the local computer.

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2.7 GCS and NMS/10 Command Scripting

General Communication Service (GCS) communication stack and NMS/10Command Scripting (RCM) utility are included in the NMS/10 SR C5.0 CD-RMedia to provide additional functionality and facilities.

General Communication Service

General Communication Service is a communication stack that is used by nodemanagers to communicate with Nokia’s Q1-managed nodes. The NokiaConnection Tool, which is part of General Communication Service, allows youto define Q1 connections that are saved to the node manager database. Theseconnections are required to enable, for example, a node manager to connect to anode.

NMS/10 Command Scripting

The NMS/10 Command Scripting utility provides a mechanism to executemacros, or scripts, written in the Visual Basic for Scripting Language. Thescripts can be executed manually or scheduled. A script normally accesses Q1-managed nodes, that is, sends commands. This could be, for example, toretrieve performance data. To access Q1-managed nodes, the GeneralCommunication Service R4.1 communication stack is required. A web-basedinterface is required for configuring and using RCM.

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3 Features

NMS/10 System Release has many advanced features in addition to all theessential network management system features described in Chapter 2. Thischapter describes these features in detail, covering the following topics:

• General features (section 3.1)

• Remote access (section 3.2)

• Performance management (section 3.3)

• SNMP interface (section 3.4)

• NMS/10 Command Scripting macros (section 3.5)

• Q1 network test (section 3.6)

• Security (section 3.7).

3.1 General features

NMS/10 System Frame provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface for thefollowing network management tasks:

• Create network maps to show the real-time alarm status of nodesoperating in a network. The maps are displayed graphically, and can bearranged into hierarchies

• Obtain and display alarm and event information from nodes

− Sort and filter the alarm information

− View alarm history for a user-specified time period

− Save alarm information to the database for later analysing andreporting

− Export alarm information to email and a serial port in ASCIIformat (into a serial printer or to another system) for archiving orfurther processing

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• Add agents and node managers to the System Frame

• Print lists of new, cleared, or acknowledged alarms and events

• Run node manager applications for network nodes to modify their role inthe network.

3.2 Remote access

Remote use is a common requirement with operators that do not have 24-houractivity in their network management centre but rely on qualified operators tosort out any emergency situations outside working hours remotely from theirhome or from another management centre. When the network managementsystem can be accessed remotely, specialist personnel is not needed at thenetwork management centre 24 hours a day, as emergencies can be handled byanother centre.

3.2.1 Remote access to NMS/10 System Frame

NMS/10 System Release C5.0 is based on client-server architecture. There arethree main remote access methods available from a client workstation:

• NMS/10 Remote Station

• NMS/10 Remote Console

• web browser.

NMS/10 Remote Station

When NMS/10 System Frame is run on a remote terminal with HP OpenViewNNM Remote Console, the client setup is called the NMS/10 Remote Station.The following functionality is available remotely:

• viewing the network submaps

• viewing current alarms and the event log

• handling (cancelling, acknowledging) current alarms

• launching node managers (requires a Windows TSE Client).

Using NMS/10 System Frame remotely and locally can be done at the sametime. Also, several simultaneous remote stations are possible. However, usingseveral remote stations may decrease the performance of the system.

One NMS/10 System Frame licence is required for each remote station, but theHP OpenView NNM licence for the server PC covers also the remote userinterfaces.

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NMS/10 Remote Console

When only the HP OpenView NNM Remote Console is run on a remoteterminal, current alarms can be monitored via the HP OpenView NNM eventbrowser over this interface.

Web browser

Another method to access NMS/10 System Frame remotely is to use a webbrowser. There are two ways of doing this:

• A web browser can be used to access the NMS/10 System Frame PC: allthe NMS/10 functionality is not available, but for example current alarmscan be monitored via the HP OpenView NNM event browser over thisinterface.

• A web browser can be used to access agents directly to display thecurrent alarm view.

3.2.2 Remote access to node managers

NMS/10 System Release C5.0 is a distributed system. Remote access can beused for starting up and displaying the remotely running node manager onto thescreen of the PC, which NMS/10 System Frame is running on. Although thenode managers were installed in a remote PC, it is still possible to start nodemanager applications directly from the NMS/10 System Frame user interface bydouble-clicking the network element symbols.

If node managers are not run on the same computer as the NMS/10 SystemFrame software, the remote computers must run the Windows NT Server 4.0,Terminal Server Edition (Windows NT TSE), and the NMS/10 System Framecomputer must run the Windows NT TSE Client software.

3.3 Performance management

In previous releases of NMS/10 System Release, performance data recorded bynetwork elements could be collected from Q1-managed nodes. In NMS/10 SRC5.0, performance data can also be collected from Synfonet nodes. Performancedata can be used for the following purposes:

• Maintenance monitoring aims at keeping the network as flawless aspossible. With error performance monitoring, it is possible to identify thedegrading systems before they fail and affect the network services. Themost important counters for maintenance purposes are those in theregenerator and multiplexer sections.

• With routine monitoring, it is possible to produce hourly, daily, weekly,and monthly summaries of the performance helping to discover faulty

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equipment in time. With monitoring on demand, performance data can berequested on an essentially real-time basis from the node. This allows theverification of corrections of errors, installation, or acceptance testing.

• Monitoring the quality of the services provided for the customer. Throughperformance monitoring, it is possible to produce reports on the trends ofthe quality of service both for operator’s internal use and for customers. Itis also possible to verify that the performance criteria agreed with thecustomer are met.

The NMS/10 user activates the performance data collection on the nodes byselecting periods and termination points from which performance measurementsare collected. The performance data is then periodically retrieved (polled) fromthe node and stored in a text file on the agent PC. The post-processing of thedata can be carried out using any chosen, external tool.

3.4 SNMP interface

As an industry standard interface, SNMP allows the integration of SNMPmanaged elements into the Nokia network management product family. Nokia’snetwork elements can also be managed using third-party management systemsthat support the SNMP interface.

3.4.1 Downward interface

HP OpenView NNM is a network management system widely used for themanagement of datacommunication networks consisting of a large number ofworkstations, routers, and bridges. NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 is based on HPOpenView NNM, thus providing a possibility to use one management platformto manage transmission and datacommunication networks. If HP OpenViewNNM is already in use, NMS/10 System Frame can be integrated to theexisting, familiar network management platform.

3.4.2 Upward interface

In case the operator has an existing management system equipped with anSNMP interface, events from management systems that cannot produce SNMPtraps need to be converted before they can be handled by the existing system.Since NMS/10 agents can directly generate SNMP traps, there is no need tomake a protocol conversion to be able to monitor Nokia’s network elements bythird-party management systems.

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3.5 NMS/10 Command Scripting (RCM) macros

NMS/10 Command Scripting (RCM) for NMS/10 SR C5.0 provides means toexecute macros, or scripts, written in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition.The scripts can be executed manually or scheduled.

Scripts are managed, executed and scheduled through a web interface. A scriptnormally accesses Nokia Q1-managed network elements, that is, sends menucommands.

NMS/10 Command Scripting is intended for providing the functionality ofRemote Control and Measurement of Nokia’s TMS4. A tool is provided toconvert the TMS4 RCM definitions (macros and schedules) to NMS/10Command Scripting scripts and schedules. The RCM definitions can also bemoved between NMS/10 systems.

3.6 Q1 network test

This feature has been added to the NMS/10 MF Agent C2.0 to be able to test Q1data communications networks (DCN). This feature enables finding DCNproblems that are not normally found. Q1 network test is used for monitoringthe state of the network connections and command-answer tests for the alarmunits in the system. These facilities are used when commissioning the system orwhen the alarm units or supervision connections require testing.

3.7 Security

NMS/10 security involves several components:

• The Windows NT computers used (local security is supported)

• NMS/10 System Frame

• Agents

• Mediators (NMS/10 MF)

• Node managers

• Remote control and measurement (with NMS/10 Command Scripting).

Security is necessary to:

• Restrict access to those authorised to have it

• Restrict access to files and data to protect their physical integrity, to avoidaccidental damage or deliberate sabotage.

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3.7.1 Windows NT security

Generally, security in NMS/10 is based on the use of Windows NT localsecurity features, which are based on an individual computer. User groups areemployed widely and a basic set of user groups is installed alongside NMS/10System Frame.

Applications that do not use Windows NT security, such as certain nodemanagers, can be used freely by any user. To avoid this, file permissions can beused to stop unauthorised access to the program.

3.7.2 Security in the System Frame

NMS/10 System Frame makes use of general Windows NT security, asestablished by user groups, user accounts, and access rights and permissions.

3.7.3 Agent security

Three aspects of security are employed by the agents and agent configurationtools:

• Computer access security:

Agent servers use standard Windows NT security and NMS/10 usergroups to give users specific access rights to different functions accordingto the user groups in which they belong.

• Web interface security:

The web-based agent configuration tools use access-control mechanismsthat rely on the web browser/server security arrangements.

• SNMP security:

Access to agents is restricted to specific IP addresses, trap destinationsare controlled by IP addresses, and an agent will reject all SNMP requeststhat have an unauthorised community name.

For information on agent-specific security, refer to the User Manual of thecorresponding agent.

3.7.4 NMS/10 MF and node manager security

NMS/10 MF and node manager security is independent of NMS/10 SystemFrame. Disabling the security for one does not affect the other.

For information on NMS/10 MF and node manager security, refer to the userdocumentation of the corresponding product.

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4 Applications

NMS/10 System Release is the optimal solution to a wide range of differentmanagement needs in various network environments, both with small tomedium sized networks as a stand-alone network management product, andwith larger networks as a sub-network management product in conjunction witha higher-level management system. This chapter describes the most common ofthese applications.

Typical applications that can use NMS/10 System Release include:

• NMS/10 System Release (including NMS/10 System Frame, HPOpenView NNM, agents and node managers):

− As a stand-alone network management product for small andmedium sized networks

− As a sub-network management product, when used with a higher-level management system.

− In conjunction with another (non-Nokia) management product.

• NMS/10 agent(s) alone:

− As a stand-alone network management product for very smallnetworks

− In conjunction with another Nokia management product.

− In conjunction with non-Nokia management product.

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4.1 NMS/10 in mobile networks

NMS/10 System Release products can be used together with NMS/2000 tomanage the cellular transmission part of mobile networks. The solution consistsof the following modules:

• NMS/10 Q3 Agent

• NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent

• NWI 1.1 software. This component is used by the NMS/2000 BAM/BARapplication for Q1configuration upload

• node managers.

All these components (excluding NEW-NMS) may coexist on a singleworkstation. Node managers can be run on the agent PC, and the user interfacescan be started to remote (NMS/2000) consoles using Windows NT TSE.

NMS/2000 receives SNMP traps directly from NMS/10 agents and store themto the NMS/2000 database. By using single database, a full integration ofcellular and transmission network management is possible. Alarms from Q1-managed network elements are received from BSC/BTS, and hence, no separatemediation devices or agents are needed.





NMS/2000 user interface Agents,Q3 nodemgrs,WindowsNT TSE

Node managerlaunch

NM UIAlarms(SNMP traps)

SDH radio


Q1 nodemgrs, NWI1.1, NERANEW-NMS,WindowsNT TSE

Figure 2. An example of using NMS/10 SR C5.0 products in cellularenvironment

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4.2 Integration with third-party management systems

Agents can be used as mediators to integrate Nokia network elements to thirdparty management systems. In this case, any management system with anSNMP interface can be used. To be able to interpret SNMP traps from Nokianetwork elements, the management system must understand the format used byNokia agents. For this purpose the description of Nokia MIBs are included inthe NMS/10 SR C5.0 CD-R Media and in the corresponding agent usermanuals. However, some integration work is always required when a third-partymanagement system is used.

Node managers are usually also needed, although a third-party managementsystem is used, and in this case the agent PC can be used as a platform to runthe node managers.

In addition to a third-party management system, also Nokia managementsystems can be used with same agents in the same network, if needed.






Figure 3. An agent in a multi-vendor and stand-alone environment

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4.3 Stand-alone applications

In very small networks, agents can be even used as stand-alone managementsystems if the agent’s current alarm view via a web interface is sufficient formanagement purposes. This may be sufficient in very small networks,especially when the price of the network management is very significant. If thesize of the network grows, Nokia network management system can be added tothe network afterwards (NMS/10 SR C5.0 or NMS/2000).

Figure 4. Current alarm view using the web interface of NMS/10 Q3Agent.

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4.4 Managing nodes

This section describes the management of various nodes.

4.4.1 Managing Synfonet nodes

In NMS/10, Synfonet nodes are managed by NMS/10 Q3 Agent, as illustratedby Figure 5.

Figure 5. NMS/10 Q3 Agent and Synfonet nodes

Synfonet equipment provides Synfonet STM–1/4, STM–16 and SAN nodes.This equipment provides a flexible way to build transmission and accessnetworks.

Q3 Agent

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Synfonet nodes can be accessed by using a gateway node on the LAN/WAN.There is a limit to the number of nodes that can be accessed through a gatewaynode, before the nodes must be separated into further groups, each accessedthrough another gateway node. The limit is dependent upon the LAN/WANtraffic load.


One NMS/10 System Frame can contain up to three NMS/10 Q3 Agents. OneNMS/10 Q3 Agent can manage up to 100 Synfonet nodes.

It is recommended that NMS/10 Q3 Agent is installed in a workstation separatefrom NMS/10 System Frame if the System Frame is also managing otheragents.

Protocols and communications

Synfonet nodes communicate by using OSI across a LAN/WAN connection.

Further details

For details on the NMS/10 Q3 Agent software, see NMS/10 Q3 Agent UserManual.

4.4.2 Managing Q1-managed nodes

In NMS/10, Q1 nodes are managed by NMS/10 MF. MF Agent is pre-installedon a separate, rack-mounted industrial PC known as a NMS/10 MF C2.0 (seeFigure 6).

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Figure 6. Q1-managed nodes connected to the computer by using anNMS/10 MF


One NMS/10 MF can manage up to 3000 Q1-managed node FEs.

NMS/10 can accommodate up to three fully populated NMS/10 MFs (that is,with a maximum of 3000 FEs each) to a limit of 5000 Q1-managed NEs.


Usually one Q1-managed node contains one FE, but there are some exceptions,such as ACM2 and Nokia Q1 managed equipment (Supervisory Substation,FIU 19, FlexiHopper, MetroHopper, and MetroHub).

Protocols and communications

A V.11 serial connection is required between the Q1-managed nodes and theNMS/10 MF. IP connectivity is required between the NMS/10 System FramePC and NMS/10 MF.

Q1-managed nodes are connected together by using a management bus cable.Q1 management information can also be carried on an inband management

NMS/10 MF C2.0(with MF Agent)

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channel. Each node has a unique address. The bus cable is a V.11 serialconnection that is connected the appropriate interface card in an NMS/10 MF.

An NMS/10 MF supports up to 16 buses. A bus supports up to 200 FEs.

Further details

For details on NMS/10 MF, see the NMS/10 MF Operating Manual.

4.4.3 Managing SDH radios

In NMS/10, SDH radios are managed by NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent, asillustrated by a simplified diagram in Figure 7.

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent collects alarms from the SDH radios through NEW-NMS.

This node type provides a standard optical SDH interface for STM–1 on the lineside, and an air interface on the (RF) radio side. This way, the transmissionexpansion for SDH can be realised with minimum rollout time as comparedwith fibre installations.


SDH radios are managed by NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent through NEW-NMS.One NMS/10 System Frame can accommodate one SDH Radio Agent, and oneSDH Radio Agent can manage one NEW-NMS including no more than 100SDH radios.

DCN considerations

A direct V.24/V.28 serial interface or a LAN/WAN connection is required forgateway SDH radio equipment to communicate with the computer on which theNEW-NMS runs.

Further details

For details on NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent, see the NMS/10 SDH Radio AgentUser Manual. For details on NEW-NMS, see the NEW-NMS User Manual.

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Figure 7. NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent and SDH radios

Q3 Agent

Node managers(excluding NEW-NMS)

Node managers(excluding NEW-NMS)

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5 NMS/10 System Frame user interface

This chapter introduces the user interface and main features of NMS/10 SystemFrame. It covers the following topics:

• Introduction (section 5.1)

• Network maps (section 5.2)

• Alarms and events (section 5.3)

• Running node managers (section 5.4).

5.1 Introduction

NMS/10 System Frame provides a user interface based on the underlying HPOpenView NNM functionality, with additions to represent NMS/10 featuresand related functions.

The NMS/10 System Frame user interface allows the user to visualise thetelecommunications network and also launch appropriate applications,depending on the equipment being viewed. In the user interface, the network isrepresented as a hierarchy of submaps that show the network status in real time.Different colours indicate the fault and management states of each node.

Alarms and other events can be viewed in various lists. The main list is forcurrent alarms, that is, those for which the cause is not yet resolved. In eachcase, the user can select the list to show alarms or events from the objects inwhich they are interested.

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NMS/10 System Frame user interface

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5.2 Network maps

5.2.1 Maps

A map is a collection of submaps. When you open a map, the home submapappears.

5.2.2 Submaps

A submap is a window displayed by HP OpenView NNM that containssymbols. By the use of explodable symbols, a hierarchy of submaps can becreated. The root submap represents the top of the hierarchy. The home submaprepresents the submap that you want to see first when you open a map. Bydefault, the home submap is the root submap unless you change this. Figure 8shows a tree structure that represents part of a submap hierarchy within a map.

The shading of the symbols in the diagram is significant in that it indicates faultstate propagation, using the recommended configuration.

5.2.3 Symbols

A symbol is an icon that represents an object, such as a node or an agent. Thereare two types of symbol:

• One that is used to represent a submap (explodable)

• One that is used to launch a program (executable).

HP OpenView NNM symbol functions

The appearance of a symbol depends on its type (explodable or executable), thefault state of the underlying object (if any), and whether or not it has beenselected.

Figure 9 shows the appearance of an explodable symbol, an executable symbol,a selected symbol, and a copied symbol.

Each symbol has a label, which is a text name that identifies the symbol. Thelabel text is added when the symbol is created, and does not have to be the sameas the name of the underlying object.

The commands available to you depend on whether or not a symbol is selectedand by the object that the symbol represents. Click a symbol with the rightmouse button to view a menu that presents commands related to the symbol andthe object (that is, the menu is context-sensitive).

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Figure 8. Part of a submap hierarchy, showing fault state propagation

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NMS/10 System Frame user interface

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Figure 9. Symbols: explodable, executable, selected, and copied

5.3 Alarms and events

NMS/10 System Frame receives events from objects in the NMS/10 networkthat are being managed by agents. HP OpenView NNM and NMS/10 SystemFrame also produce events themselves, concerning internal errors.

Some of these events represent alarms. An alarm is a report about a faultidentified in a managed object.

All events are stored by the System Frame. These events include reports of thechange of state of other events, such as alarms.

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Alarms can be viewed and managed by using the System Frame’s currentalarms list (Figure 10). Events can be viewed and managed by using the SystemFrame’s historical events list. Events can also be viewed and managed by usingthe HP OpenView NNM Alarms Browser.

Figure 10. A sample NMS/10 Current Alarms dialog box

5.4 Running node managers

The node managers used by NMS/10 are separate applications that can belaunched from NMS/10 System Frame. The purpose of a node manager is toconfigure a node.

The different node managers supported by NMS/10 System Frame are listed insection 6.4.4, 'Supported node managers'.

5.4.1 Synfonet node managers

When the user launches a Synfonet node manager, NMS/10 System Framepasses the address of the node to the node manager. The node manager thenattempts to connect with the specified node.

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NMS/10 System Frame user interface

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5.4.2 Q1 node managers

For Q1-managed nodes, the access to the node is routed via NMS/10 MF. Whenthe user launches a Q1 node manager, NMS/10 System Frame passes the nameof the node via GCS to the node manager. The node manager then attempts toconnect with the specified node.

The node manager receives the access information that it requires from itsdatabase. This information allows it to access NMS/10 MF and to inform themof the address of the target node.

5.4.3 SDH radio equipment node managers

When the user launches a NERA NEW-NMS, NMS/10 System Frame passesthe address of the node to the node manager. The node manager then attempts toconnect with the specified node.

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6 NMS/10 SR products

This chapter lists the sales items within NMS/10 SR C5.0, and gives softwareversion compatibility information. It covers the following topics:

• Sales items (section 6.1)

• Product codes (section 6.2)

• Document product codes (section 6.3)

• Compatibility information (section 6.4).

6.1 Sales items

There are three types of sales item that relate to the NMS/10 SR C5.0 release:media, software licences, and printed documentation. The media must alwaysbe ordered separately in addition to purchasing the licence(s).

6.1.1 Media

The NMS/10 SR C5.0 CD-R Media contains the following products andutilities:

• NMS/10 System Frame software

• Recommended patches for HP OpenView NNM 6.1

• NMS/10 Q3 Agent software

• NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent software

• NERA NEW-NMS software

• SNMP for NEW-NMS software

• NMS/10 MF Agent software

• MF Manager software

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• NWI 1.1 software

• General Communication Service (GCS) software

• NMS/10 Command Scripting (RCM) software

• user documentation

• Adobe Acrobat Reader for reading user documentation.

No permanent licences to use the software are included. However, a trial periodof 30 days is allowed. When the trial period expires, the software can no longerbe used without a permanent licence.

6.1.2 Software licences

A software licence must be obtained for permanent use. The licences can beordered either when purchasing the CD-R Media, or after the evaluation of thesoftware.

There are separate licences for NMS/10 System Frame, and Agent products, asspecified in section 6.2, ’Product codes’.

HP OpenView NNM licensing is based on Hewlett-Packard’s licensing.

6.1.3 Printed documentation

All user documentation is included in the CD-R Media in electronic format.Paper copies can be ordered separately. Refer to section 6.3, ’Document productcodes’ for the order codes.

6.2 Product codes

6.2.1 CD-R Media

Table 1. Product codes for CD-R Media

Product Product code

NMS/10 SR C5.0 CD-R Media P31755.01

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6.2.2 HP OpenView NNM products and licences

Table 2. Product codes for HP OpenView NNM

Product Product code

HP OpenView Network Node Manager 250 6.1 (NT) S35500.01

HP OpenView Network Node Manager Enterprise 6.1 (NT) S35500.02

6.2.3 NMS/10 System Frame licences

Table 3. Product codes for NMS/10 System Frame

Product Product code

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 for 1 system P31159.01

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 for 5 systems P31159.02

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 for 10 systems P31159.03

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 upgrade for 1 system P31159.51

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 upgrade for 5 systems P31159.52

NMS/10 System Frame C5.0 upgrade for 10 systems P31159.53

6.2.4 NMS/10 Q3 Agent licences

NMS/10 Q3 Agent is required for collecting alarms from Synfonet nodes fordisplay by NMS/10 System Frame.

Table 4. Product codes for NMS/10 Q3 Agent

Product Product code

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 for 1 system P31690.01

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 for 5 systems P31690.02

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 for 10 systems P31690.03

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 upgrade for 1 system P31690.51

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Product Product code

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 upgrade for 5 systems P31690.52

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 upgrade for 10 systems P31690.53

6.2.5 NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent licences

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent is required for collecting alarms from SDH radiosfor display by NMS/10 System Frame. Note that NERA NEW-NMS is neededwith NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent.

Table 5. Product codes for NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent

Product Product code

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 for 1 system P31756.01

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 for 5 systems P31756.02

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 for 10 systems P31756.03

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 upgrade for 1 system P31756.51

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 upgrade for 5 systems P31756.52

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 upgrade for 10 systems P31756.53

6.2.6 NMS/10 MF

Table 6. Product codes for NMS/10 MF

Product Product code

NMS/10 MF Hardware C1.0 release B(includes one Polling card and two Q1 Interface cards)


NMS/10 MF Hardware upgrade from release A(includes a memory upgrade to 128 MB and a CD-ROMdrive)


NMS/10 MF Agent C2.0 and a licence for 1 MF P31758.01

NMS/10 MF Agent C2.0 upgrade for 1 MF P31758.51

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6.2.7 MF Manager licences

MF Manager is required for configuring NMS/10 MF C2.0.

Table 7. Product codes for MF Manager

Product Product code

MF Manager C2.5 for 1 system P31757.01

MF Manager C2.5 for 5 systems P31757.02

MF Manager C2.5 for 10 systems P31757.03

MF Manager C2.5 upgrade for 1 system P31757.51

MF Manager C2.5 upgrade for 5 systems P31757.52

MF Manager C2.5 upgrade for 10 systems P31757.53

6.3 Document product codes

Tables 8 to 10 contain the titles of the documents related to NMS/10 and theproduct codes that are needed when ordering them. To order the documents,contact your Nokia sales representative.

Table 8. Documentation for NMS/10 System Frame

Document title Product code

NMS/10 SR C5.0 Product Overview C33820.20

NMS/10 SR C5.0 User Manual C33820.21

Table 9. Documentation for agents

Document title Product code

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 User Manual C33803.20

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 User Manual C33804.20

Table 10. Other documentation relating to NMS/10

Document title Product code

NMS/10 MF C2.0 Operating Manual C33846.21

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Document title Product code

MF Manager C2.5 User’s Manual C33846.22

NMS/10 MF Agent C2.0, Agent Configuration Tool UserManual


NERA Network Element Workstation R4B User’s Manual T38344.04

GCS R4.1 User Manual C33596.21

RCM C1.0 User Manual C33596.22

In addition to these listed documents, on-line help is provided with eachNMS/10 System Release product, which includes a graphical user interface.

6.4 Compatibility information

This section lists Nokia’s network management products and their releasescompatible with NMS/10 SR C5.0.

6.4.1 Supported Synfonet node types

NMS/10 Q3 Agent C1.0 is compatible with the following Synfonet nodes:

Node Release

Synfonet STM-1/4 C2.21, C3.30, C3.40, C3.50

Synfonet STM-16 C1.0, C1.5, C2.0

Synfonet Access Node (SAN) C1.0, C1.5, C2.0

6.4.2 Supported Nokia SDH radios

NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent C1.0 is compatible with the following SDH radios:

• Nokia PowerHopper

• NERA CityLink

• NERA NL29x.

6.4.3 Supported Q1 network element management systems

• MF Manager C2.5

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• NMS/10 MF C2.0.

6.4.4 Supported node managers

Table 11. NMS/10 SR C5.0 compatibility with node managers

Product Release

ACL2 Manager C3.0

ACM2 Manager C4.0

ACM2 V5 Manager C3.2

DB 2 Manager C4.0

DM 2 Manager C1.0

DMF Manager C2.0

DMR Manager C3.0

DN 2 Manager C5.1 release B

DNT128 Manager C3.0

DNT1M Manager C3.0

DNT2M Manager C3.0

Hopper Manager C3.1

ILT1M Manager C3.0

ILTn64 Manager C3.0

Macro STE C4.1





SAN Manager C2.0

STM-16 Manager C2.0

Synfonet Node Manager C3.60

TruMan C7.0

Additional node managers and their new versions can be validated for thisNMS/10 release later on. Future releases of the above Nokia products will besupported by later releases of NMS/10.

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System requirements

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7 System requirements

This chapter describes the requirements of the system in which NMS/10 SystemFrame and other NMS/10 System Release products are installed.

7.1 General

This section lists the general requirements for the operating systems andcomputers used in the NMS/10 SR system (NMS/10 System Frame PC,separate agent PC, and remote node manager PC).


• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 with Service Pack 6a (orlater). Only the international Windows NT 4.0 version is supported

For remote management:

Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition with ServicePack 5 (or later) on the remote computer and Windows NT TSE Client onthe NMS/10 System Frame computer for launching node managers

• HP OpenView Network Node Manager 250 version 6.1 for Windows NT,or HP OpenView Network Node Manager Enterprise version 6.1 forWindows NT

• Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack

• Microsoft SNMP Service

• Microsoft Data Access Components version 2.1

• Internet Explorer 5 or later.


• Personal computer with a Pentium compatible processor

• Minimum of 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM. The following equipmentcombinations require at least 256 MB:

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− Q3 (Synfonet) networks with many different node versions

− Q3 (Synfonet) networks with SDH radios

− PDH networks with Q3 (Synfonet) nodes

− PDH networks with Q3 (Synfonet) nodes and SDH radios

• NTFS-formatted hard disk

• 1 gigabyte (GB) of free hard disk space is recommended

• CD-ROM drive and high-density 3.5" disk drive for software installation

• VGA-compatible or better graphical colour display. A 17" or largermonitor is recommended

• Mouse or equivalent pointing device with driver software and mouse port

• Printer accessible from Windows NT if the contents of the windows areto be printed

• Dedicated serial port if alarm information is to be spooled to a printer orexported to another system

• Connection to an SMTP-compliant server if alarm information is to besent via e-mail.

7.2 Product-specific requirements

7.2.1 NMS/10 System Frame PC

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported (Windows NT Server 4.0, TSEis NOT supported)

• requires HP OpenView NNM for Windows NT

• requires a TSE client when node managers are used from remotecomputer.

7.2.2 NMS/10 Remote Station

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported (Windows NT Server 4.0, TSEis NOT supported)

• requires HP OpenView NNM for Windows NT Remote Console

• requires NMS/10 System Frame C5.0

• requires a TSE client when node managers are used from remotecomputer.

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7.2.3 NMS/10 Remote Console

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported

• requires HP OpenView NNM for Windows NT Remote Console.

7.2.4 NMS/10 Q3 Agent

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported

• Windows NT Server 4.0, TSE supported

• can be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent

• can be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 System Frame only if theSystem Frame does not manage other agents.

7.2.5 NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported

• Windows NT Server 4.0, TSE supported

• can be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 Q3 Agent

• can NOT be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 System Frame

• can NOT be installed in the same PC with NERA NEW-NMS.


• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported

• Windows NT Server 4.0, TSE supported

• can NOT be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 System Frame

• can NOT be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 SDH Radio Agent

• can NOT be installed in the same PC with NMS/10 Q3 Agent.

7.2.7 NMS/10 MF C2.0

• Windows NT Workstation 4.0 supported

• runs on an industrial PC.

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7.3 Integration with network-level Nokia NMS

If NMS/10 is to be integrated with a network-level Nokia NMS (NMS/2000,NMS/400, or NMS for IP), Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal ServerEdition and add-in software are required instead of the Windows NTWorkstation 4.0. In this case the system and especially memory requirementsare higher, and depend also on the number of simultaneous client sessions.Moreover, the needed NMS/10 products depend on the selected network-levelNMS as well as the number of users simultaneously running node managerapplications.

7.4 Network connection and alarm monitoring

This section lists the hardware and software products needed when connectingthe NMS/10 System Frame workstation to the various managed networks.

7.4.1 Q3 managed nodes (Synfonet)

• An NDIS-compliant Ethernet network adapter for communicating withSynfonet nodes and web browsers.

Also, LAN software is needed to use the Ethernet connection. An NDISdriver is supplied with all Ethernet network cards.

• An installed and configured TCP/IP stack (provided with the operatingsystem) for communicating with Q3 managed nodes.

7.4.2 NMS/10 MF

• An installed and configured TCP/IP stack (provided with the operatingsystem) for communicating with NMS/10 MF.

7.4.3 SDH radios

• NERA NEW-NMS with a licensed HW Key and an SNMP option.

• An installed and configured TCP/IP stack (provided with the operatingsystem) for communicating with NERA NEW-NMS, and between NERANEW-NMS and SDH radio nodes.

For serial port connection:

• A serial port cable connected to the first node.

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Administrator user In the System Frame, the administrator user performs all installation tasks and,in addition to all of the tasks of a standard user, creates and manages maps.

Agent In NMS/10, a software program or system that manages the operation of aparticular collection of nodes (and other objects). Alarms generated by theseobjects are propagated to the System Frame by agents. Agents can beconfigured to control the objects that are to be managed.

Alarm An event, generated by a node (or other object), that represents a fault or otheroccurrence that may adversely affect the performance of the network.

Area A logical grouping of Synfonet nodes. Each node is contained within a single,specific area.

Bus A physical grouping of Q1-managed nodes. Each node is attached to a single,specific bus.

Child (object) In HP OpenView NNM submaps, any NMS/10 object that is contained withinanother object, such as a node within an area, bus, station, or section, and asection within a NEW-NMS. See also Parent (object).

CityLink A NERA SDH radio product.

Colour In NMS/10, fault states and management states are represented by particularcolours. If an object is managed, it has a fault state and takes the associatedcolour. If an object is not managed, it does not have a fault state and takes thecolour for unmanaged.

Computer In this guide, a personal computer running Windows NT Workstation, WindowsNT Workstation (Terminal Server Edition) or Windows NT Server.

Container A logical or physical grouping of objects (nodes and other containers) within anNMS/10 network. The System Frame records details of all relevant containers:area, bus and station, NEW-NMS and section. The default explodable symbolfor an agent in HP OpenView NNM, which (when double-clicked) provides asubmap, is not itself a container. See also Parent (object).

Domain A collection of Windows NT computers, and other devices and facilities.

Event Messages from objects in an NMS/10 network that are being managed byagents. Alarms are events.

Fault state In NMS/10, an object always has a fault state associated with it, even whenthere is no fault. An alarm associated with an object is classified by using theappropriate fault state.

A colour is associated with each of these fault states.

HP OpenView NNM HP OpenView Network Node Manager for Windows NT. A software program,created and maintained by Hewlett-Packard, that allows the graphical display ofobjects and controls their management. See also map and submap.

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Icon A term used in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). An image on a display thatrepresents an object that has properties or contents, or that can be executed as aprogram. For example, Windows icons for folders and programs, and symbolsin HP OpenView NNM.

Loss of connection A state that occurs when one part of the managed network loses communicationwith another. For example, between the System Frame and an agent, or betweenan agent and a node, or between a bus and a node.

Managed The state of an object when alarms are being collected for it by an agent for theSystem Frame. See also unmanaged.

Managed object A node or other device that is known to the System Frame and that is managed.See also object and unmanaged object.

Management state An object in the System Frame has a management state associated with it: it iseither managed or not managed (unmanaged). A colour is used to represent themanagement state. The term fault-management state is synonymous.

Map Provides a graphical representation of a network by displaying the availableobjects and their connections as symbols, and by using colour to indicate themost severe alarm amongst all of the associated nodes and other managedobjects. A map consists of one or more submaps in a hierarchical relationship.When a map is opened, the home submap is what is seen first.

Network element A node.

Network map See map.

NEW-NMS The NERA Element vieWer — Network Management System is a program thatacts as an agent and node manager for NERA SDH radios and sections. SDHRadio Agents use NEW-NMSs to manage SDH radios and sections.

NL29x A NERA SDH radio product.

NMS/10 MF A rack-mounted industrial PC, including pre-installed software, that is used toprovide access and communications to and from Q1-managed nodes.

Node manager A program that understands the specific details of a particular type or family ofnodes and supports the configuration and maintenance of these nodes.

Node A managed object that provides transmission services.

NTFS New Technology File System: a protected file system that can be run incombination with the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. You must useNTFS to ensure that your files are protected.

Object A node or other object that is known to the System Frame, but is not necessarilymanaged by it. See also managed object.

In NMS/10, objects include nodes and containers, that is, buses and stations(Q1-managed nodes), areas (Synfonet), NEW-NMSs and sections (SDH radios).

OpenView See HP OpenView NNM.

Parent (object) In HP OpenView NNM submaps, an NMS/10 object that contains nodes (that is,an area, bus, station, or section); also a NEW-NMS that contains sections. Usedin preference to Container. See also Child (object).

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Program file A file that represents a software program and can thus be executed by acomputer’s operating system.

Propagation The communication of an event up the management hierarchy of a network.

The indication on the symbol of a parent object of the most severe fault stateamongst the objects in a branch of an HP OpenView NNM submap hierarchy.


Q1-managed node PDH/Primary Rate Equipment nodes, buses and stations, and Nokia Q1-managed equipment, for example, FIU 19, MetroHopper, FlexiHopper,MetroHub.

Q3 A standard management protocol for Synfonet nodes.

Q3 Agent A program that manages Synfonet nodes.

Remote node manager computerA computer, running Windows NT TSE, that allows node managers to be runremotely.

SDH radio In NMS/10, a node in an SDH radio network.

SDH Radio Agent A program that manages SDH radios and containers (NEW-NMSs and sections).

Section A logical grouping of SDH radios, as used by a NEW-NMS. Each SDH radio iscontained within a single, specific section.

Station A logical grouping of Q1-managed nodes. Each node is contained within asingle, specific station. See also bus.

Station is also used by NERA to indicate an SDH radio.

Submap A map that represents a level of detail in a network hierarchy displayed by theSystem Frame. A submap contains symbols that represent either further levelsof detail (that is, further submaps) or nodes.

Symbol In HP OpenView NNM, an icon on a submap that represents an object.

Synfonet Nokia’s family of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) transmissionequipment.

Unmanaged The state of an object when alarms are not being collected for it by an agent forthe System Frame. See also managed.

Unmanaged object A node or other device that is known to the System Frame, but that isunmanaged. See also object and managed object.

Windows NT TSE In this guide, Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition.

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Product Overview

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AFI Authority and Format Identifier (part of a Q3 protocol NSAP address).

DCN Data Communications Network.

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (an HP OpenView NNM installationoption).

DNS Domain Name Server.

ECC Embedded Control Channel (Synfonet network communications).

FE Functional Entity (part of a Q1-managed node address).

GB Gigabyte.

GCS General Communication Service (utility).

IDI Initial Domain Identifier (part of a Q3 protocol NSAP address).

IP Internet Protocol (see also TCP/IP).

IPX (A Novell NetWare protocol).

ITU-T International Telecommunications Union — Telecommunicationsstandardisation sector (sic).

LAN Local Area Network.

LOC Loss of connection.

MB Megabyte.

MF Mediation Function (see also NMS/10 MF).

MHz Megahertz.

MIB Management Information Base.

NEW-NMS NERA Element vieWer — Network Management System.

NMS/10 Network Management System/10 (one of Nokia’s family of networkmanagement products).

NMS/10 MF MF used specifically for NMS/10 (using a rack-mounted computer andappropriate software).

NSAP Network Service Access Point (part of a Q3 protocol address).

NSEL Network Selector (part of a Q3 protocol address).

NTFS New Technology File System.

NWF Network File (used in NMS/10 SR C4.x).

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy.

PRE Primary Rate Equipment.

Q1 Nokia’s proprietary management protocol.

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System requirements

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Q3 Management interface (ITU–T).

RAM Random Access Memory.

RCM Remote Control and Measurement (utility).

RF Radio Frequency.

SAN Synfonet Access Node.

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy.

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.

SR System Release.

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

TSE Terminal Server Edition (from Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal ServerEdition).

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Product Overview

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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